Search Results for gave

Found 216 Results for gave

A London newspaper, The Guardian, carried this headline in a story about the game of rugby: Wales Thrashes France. Then it gave the score -- Wales 3 France 30! For centuries people have been reporting...

Illustration: Gifts

Ann Landers wrote about a person she knew who said the greatest gift he ever received in his life was a note his dad gave him on Christmas. ...

Illustration: Generosity, Improvement

One night at the dinner table, the wife commented, “When we were first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the larger. Now you take the large one and leave me the smaller. You don't...

Illustration: Quality

There was a long line at the supermarket check-out stand, and the harried clerk had just finished bagging a long order. As the clerk lifted the final bag for the customer, the bottom gave way, sending...


A Yale University President some years ago gave this advice to a former president of Ohio State, "Always be kind to you're A and B students. Someday one of them will return to your campus as a good pr...


According to the book Signfica, by Irving Wallace, a man named William Phelps Eno can be called the father of traffic safety....


One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with ...

Mistakes and Misunderstandings

After directory assistance gave me my boyfriend's new telephone number, I dialed him -- and got a woman. "Is Mike there?" I asked. "He's in the shower," she responded. "Please tell him... ...

Illustration: Virtues/Reputation

Many European royals had the same name, so they often were differentiated by numbers such as Charles I, II or III. Even this became difficult to remember, so people gave their kings nicknames....

Sermon Illustration about Gifts

"Thanks for the harmonica you gave me for Christmas," Johnny said to his Uncle Rodney the first time he saw him after the holidays. "It's the best Christmas present I ever got."...


Charles Dickens once visited America and gave some lectures across the country. He told one audience that we here in this country are a bit mixed up. He said we should not have one Thanksgiving Day, b...


In the early days of the twentieth century there was a bank robber in the West called Black Bart. He was so successful that he threatened to bankrupt the Wells-Fargo Company. The problem was solved wh...

False Friendship

Friends for Sale A farmer was detained for questioning about an election scandal. "Did you sell your vote?" the attorney asked. "No sir, not me," the farmer protested. "I voted for that there fella 'c...


The minister gave his Sunday morning service, as usual, but this particular Sunday, it was considerably longer than normal. Later, at the door, shaking hands with parishioners as they moved out, one m...

Illustration: Promises, Salvation

F. Duane Lindsey writes, “When Crowfoot, the great chief of the Blackfoot confederacy in southern Alberta, gave the Canadian Pacific Railroad permission to cross the Blackfoot land from Medicine Hat t...


Recently, through YouTube, the world became aware of Susan Boyle of Scotland. ...


Recently the Charlotte Observer carried the story of one church’s unusual beginning for a capital campaign. Instead of taking an offering, Elevation Church gave $40,000 to the congregation to spend on...


Charles Darrow was the inventor of the famous game, “Monopoly.” When he first pitched the idea to Parker Brothers, they rejected it. They even gave him fifty-two reasons why the game wo...


Ann Landers wrote about a person she knew who said the greatest gift he ever received in his life was a note his dad gave him on Christmas. It read, "Son, this year I will give you 365 hours. An hour ...


One pastor had a rather crude layman who liked to go out visiting people. Since he was rather crude the pastor gave him a list of delinquent church members and some church stationary and told him t...