Search Results for james 5

Found 443 Results for james 5
What Are the 5 Most Accurate Bible Translations?

Jason Soroski

There are other versions that are worthy of attention, but these five are universally considered great for several reasons. First, they are all translated by respected and diverse groups of theologian...

What Qualifies Someone to Be a Church Elder?

Melissa Henderson

Most churches have elders of some kind, but what qualifies someone for that task?...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

6 Simple Ways to Count Joy When Life Is Difficult

Micah Maddox

How can we count joy like James speaks of even in trials and temptation? Is it really even possible? The Bible gives us a good idea of the answer, and I want to share some of the verses and reasons we...

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

7 Commands for Dealing with Church Conflict

Looking around at the state of Christianity in the world today with all of its various camps and divisions, it’s tempting to idealize the early church as a perfect time of peace and harmony. But then ...

How Does 'Every Good and Perfect Gift' Come from Above?

Jessica Udall

The Bible says in the book of James that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). But surely this doesn’t mean that the birthday gift from a friend or the drawing from our preschooler...

Does the Phrase Fly in the Ointment Come from the Bible?

Linda Lyle

Does fly in the ointment come from the Bible or from Shakespeare?...

Why Should We Hide God's Word in Our Hearts?

Leigh Ann Thomas

One of the earliest verses I learned was Psalm 119:11 from the King James Version: Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee....

5 Things to Remember about Soli Deo Gloria

Stephanie Englehart

Because we were created from God’s glory, for His glory, there is no greater joy on earth than giving God glory (1 Peter 1:8)....

How Can Christians Live the Biblical Definition of Wisdom?

Britt Mooney

The Bible speaks a great deal about wisdom. However, its definition of wisdom differs from what the world generally says....

If Christians Are Saved, Do They Still Have a Sinful Nature?

Tim Pietz

Evidence of our sinful nature is all around us. People steal, so we have locks and passwords. People lie, so we have courts and judges. People kill each other, so we have police and militaries....

What Is Wisdom? (and How to Get It)

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The answer to the question, “what is wisdom” seems, at first hearing, to demand a rather simple answer. One could say, “Wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge,” and that is so. But upon re...

What Are the 3 Temptations of the World?

Robbie Pruitt

The world and all that is in it was created for our enjoyment and pleasure and points us to a good God who loves us and desires our good pleasure. However, something is wrong....

What Does it Mean to "Walk in the Spirit?"

Dr. Michael A. Milton

To walk in the Spirit is to walk in new life in Jesus Christ. It is to walk away from the old life of bondage to any idea, person, system, or idea of salvation by religious ritual. As we will see, G...

What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the New Testament, events at the Feast of Pentecost mark a new era in the church. However, to fully understand what happened to the disciples that day in the upper room, we need to consider what th...

5 Ways to Love Your Unsaved Friends

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here are a few ways to express our love to our unsaved friends. These can also apply to unsaved family members, co-workers, neighbors—anyone in your relationship sphere who does not know Jesus as Savi...

7 Comforting Prayers for Sickness

Pamela Palmer

Sickness is a part of life that can be difficult to experience and navigate. Naturally, sickness takes a physical toll, but it can also impact someone spiritually and emotionally. Scripture reveals th...

What is the Crown of Life in the Bible?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

What does it mean when the Bible promises a crown of life to people who stand for God? Let's take a look at the verses that mention the crown of life and what they tell us today....