Search Results for matt 15

Found 1285 Results for matt 15

Demon [E] [S]Spirit being who is unclean and immoral in nature and activities. When demons were created, how they came to be demonic, and their organi...

John the Baptist

John the Baptist [E] [S]Apart from Jesus Christ, John the Baptist is probably the most theologically significantfigure in the Gospels. As was the case...

Luke 4

LUKE. CHAPTER IV. The Beginning of Christ's Ministry. SUMMARY.--The Temptation. Teaching in the Synagogues. Jesus at Nazareth. Rejected by the ...


Soul [N]The Old Testament. The Hebrew word so rendered is nepes [v,p,n]. It appears 755 times in the Old Testament. The King James Version uses 42 dif...

Mark 4

MARK. CHAPTER IV. Teaching in Parables. SUMMARY.--The Sower, The Good Seed, The Hard, Stony, Thorny and Good Soil. The Parable Explained. The Ca...

John 18

JOHN. CHAPTER XVIII. Jesus Betrayed and Condemned. SUMMARY.--Jesus in Gethsemane. Judas and the Band. The Lord Seized. Peter Uses the Sword. Ch...


Gospel [N] [E]Glad tidings or good news, from Anglo-Saxon godspell.The Old Testament. Good news is proclaimed widely ( 1 Sam 31:9 ; Psalm 96:2-3 ; ...

Prophet, Christ as

Prophet, Christ as The largest Old Testament passage on the coming Messiah in the role of a prophet is Deuteronomy 18:15-19. There God promised, throu...

Second Withdrawal from Herod's Territory.

6-2. SECOND WITHDRAWAL FROM HEROD'S TERRITORY. a?MATT. 15:21; b?MARK 7:24. ? ? ? b?24 And from thence a?Jesus b?arose, and went a?out b?aw...

Mark 14:33

Greatly amazed and sore troubled (ekqambeisqai kai adhmonein). Matthew 26:37 has sorrowful and sore troubled. See on Matt. about adhmonein. Mark al...


Corn. [N] [E]The most common kinds were wheat, barley, spelt, Authorized Version, ( Exodus 9:32 ) and Isai 28:25 rye; ( Ezekiel 4:9 ) fitches and mil...

Eternal Punishment

Eternal Punishment [N]Divinely instituted penalty of endless suffering, including banishment from God's blessed presence.The Old Testament. A study of...

Mark 7

MARK. CHAPTER VII. Making Void the Law of God. SUMMARY.--The Scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem. Eating with Unwashen Hands. Making Void the La...

Kill, Killing

Kill, Killing The Old Testament. The Old Testament uses many terms to refer to the act ofkilling, some of which can be used interchangeably (see 2 Sa...

Mark 6

MARK. CHAPTER VI. The First Commission. SUMMARY.--Christ in Nazareth. Teaching in the Synagogue. Rejected by the Nazarenes. The Twelve Sent Fort...


Life [N] [E]God (Yahweh) as the Source and Sustainer of Life. According to Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and br...


Gentleness [N]Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love.The Old Testament. Gentleness is suggested...


Sleep [N]In the Scriptures the words that designate sleep are used in both a literal and a figurative way. When the word is used literally, as it freq...


Motives Motives pose at least a twofold dilemma: (1) the status of a good deed done for the wrong reason or an evil deed done with good (or even witho...

1 Corinthians 15

Chapter 1515:2? By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. saved (See Scofield Roman...