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Found 226 Results for *** 1:5
Was There Power in Jesus' Physical Blood?

Michael Jakes

Jesus was God-incarnate. He was (and still is) both fully God and fully man, with a body that felt the same joys and pains that we do. The miracle of the cross, of Jesus sacrificing himself for our si...

Applying the Wisdom of Proverbs Today

Debbie W. Wilson

Did you know the book of Proverbs is broken up in such a way that we can read one a day for a month? That's a great way to work in some of the wisdom of this book into your everyday life! Let's take a...

Why Was Lucifer, Satan, Banished to Hell?

Dolores Smyth

Satan’s pride was the first sin committed in the universe, and humanity has been on notice ever since that pride goeth before the fall. Arguably, all sins are rooted in pride if we consider that sin i...

Why Do We "Have Not Because We Ask Not"?

Blair Parke

If you have spent any amount of time in your life praying, you likely know that not all prayers get instantly, or ever, fulfilled. But in Scripture, James tells us that we have not because we ask not....

The Beautiful and Lasting Symbol of the Rainbow

Pamela Palmer

When you see a rainbow in the sky, you may pause to admire it, but did you know that it is a holy covenant from God? Truly, the rainbow is more than just a beautiful natural phenomenon. It is a promis...

A Life-Giving Order: "Be Fruitful and Multiply"

Bethany Verrett

When something in the Bible is important, it's repeated. When something is really important, it's repeated multiple times. God's command for humanity to "be fruitful and multiply" can be found 10...

3 Things We Find in God’s Presence

Michael Jakes

This call to enter into the throne room of God is not one to be taken lightly, for without grace and mercy, we could not even begin to approach His presence. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Grandparents and How They Are Blessings?

Sylvia Schroeder

Is my role to spoil and indulge them as society implies or does what does the Bible say about grandparents indicate something different, something of greater value? ...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Seek Self-Control?

Heather Adams

In God’s view, gaining self-control is part of our progression toward Christ-likeness. In fact, the Apostle Paul included it in a list of basic qualities that believers should cultivate. “But the frui...

Why Is it Important that Jesus Gave His Followers Peace When He Left Them?

Tammy Kennington

Jesus’s gift was intangible and of incalculable value. John 14:27 (NIV) explains, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”...

What Does the Old Testament Say about Social Justice?

Ed Jarrett

God’s expectation is not just that judicial justice would prevail. But that acting justly toward others would also be a priority. That we would be doing what is right in our dealings with other people...

What Does Amen Mean, and Why Do We Say It?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sure, we can close a prayer without saying Amen, but why would we want to omit a verbal exclamation point which highlights God and His character? Our Lord and Savior is our King, and as His subje...

Why Was Capernaum Such an Important City in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the ancient world, Capernaum was the place to live if you wanted a life as a merchant. Capernaum existed as a trading village of about 1500 people on the northwestern Galilean seashore to the south...

Is It True That if You Ask, Then You Shall Receive?

Michael Jakes

As we pray, we should not expect the Lord to humbly submit to our every whim and desire. God is not a genie or a magic lamp that we can run to when we want something. Here is where we must be able to ...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

What Is the Biblical Meaning of the Phrase "Sanctity of Life"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This term “sanctity of life” has most often been connected to the battle over abortion and protecting the lives of the unborn, but is there more to it? For this reason, I want to challenge your thinki...

What Does the Bible Say about Hypocrisy, and Are Christians Hypocrites?

Mike Leake

The truth is, it’s a good thing when someone is appalled by hypocrisy. Because Jesus is also appalled by that. Rather than defending ourselves, it’s a better idea to use it as an opportunity to point ...

What Does the Bible Say about the Last Days?

Michael Jakes

While it is true that we are presently living in the last days, the beginning of the last days goes much further back. Christians living through the first and second world wars no doubt thought t...

What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the New Testament, events at the Feast of Pentecost mark a new era in the church. However, to fully understand what happened to the disciples that day in the upper room, we need to consider what th...

Gamaliel: A Cascading Impact from a Lesser-Known Bible Character

Lisa Loraine Baker

The significance of this passage in Acts outlines the actions of a man who, though an unbeliever in Jesus Christ, was used by God to further His kingdom. God used the Jewish authorities to release the...