Search Results for john 6

Found 23 Results for john 6
Jesus Turns Water into Wine - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

The very first miracle performed by Jesus is when he turned water into wine at a wedding. Read why this Bible story is so important and how the "quiet miracles" are the ones that can change the faith ...

The Last Supper - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

This is an overview of the Last Supper Bible story as told in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke....

Death of John the Baptist - Bible Story

John the Baptist, well-known for baptizing Jesus in the river Jordan, is commonly referred to as the precursor or forerunner of Jesus. There are many parallels to the lives of John the Baptist and Je...

Lazarus Raised from the Dead - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

The raising of Lazarus or the resurrection of Lazarus, found only in the Gospel of John (John 11:1–44), is a miracle of Jesus in which Jesus brings Lazarus of Bethany back to life four days after his ...

Judas Betrays Jesus - Bible Story

Connor Salter

The Bible Story of Judas betraying Jesus is found in all four of the gospels. This powerful story is well known in Christian theology as one of the most significant events of disloyalty. There are se...

The Transfiguration of Jesus

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event depicted in the New Testament, where Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon Mount Tabor....

A Guide to The Ten Commandments

Annette Griffin

The 10 Commandments were given to the Israel nation through Moses. The nation of Israel was now free from slavery in Egypt and was camped around Mount Sinai when thunder, lightning, a thick cloud, and...

The Creation Story - Bible Story

Read the story of creation from the book of Genesis. Learn about the meaning and significance of the biblical explanation of creation....

Crucifixion of Jesus - Bible Story

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

The crucifixion of Jesus is recorded in the New Testament books, known as the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God's plan from the very beginning of the b...

Palm Sunday - Bible Story

G. Connor Salter

The story of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday preceding Holy Week is known as Palm Sunday and is celebrated throughout the world by Christians today!...

The Promised Land - Bible Story

Annette Griffin

The "Promised Land" was the geographic area God declared to give to His people, the children of Abraham. The promised land was placed in ancient Canaan, on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea....

Sodom and Gomorrah - Bible Story

Leigh Ann Thomas

This is a summary of the Biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah and their destruction....

Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Editorial Staff & Film Critics

Palm Sunday is the celebration that remembers Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, discussed in each of the four Gospels. Jesus entered the city knowing He would be tried and crucified and welcomed ...

Mary and Martha - Bible Story

Connor Salter

The Bible Story of Mary and Martha comes from Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. Mary and Martha, who are sisters, open their home to Jesus as he travels with his disciples. As Martha hurries to ensure...

David and Bathsheba - Bible Story

Lisa Loraine Baker

The story of David and Bathsheba reminds us of how great men who are called by God are still humans and struggle with sin....

The Easter Bible Story: Verses and Meaning

Brannon Deibert

The Easter Bible Story - Discover the complete Bible story of Easter including the Last Supper, Judas' Betrayal, the Crucifixion of Jesus and Jesus' Resurrection. Find summaries of each part along wit...

Ark of the Covenant - Bible Story

Jenna Brooke Carlson

In Exodus 25:10, Moses receives the command to build an ark of acacia wood. Within this ark were to be placed the tables of the law which God was about to give to Moses. Learn more about this popular ...

The Road to Damascus: Paul's Conversion

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Read the Bible account of Paul's conversion along the road to Damascus, in which the Lord appeared to him....

Cain and Abel - Bible Story

Cain and Abel were the first and second sons of Adam and Eve. While Cain was a farmer, Abel was a skilled shepherd who took care of the family's animals.  One day Cain and Abel made sacrifices to...