Search Results for psalm 26

Found 246 Results for psalm 26
Why Is “He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord” Blessed?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We are given cause to rejoice and be awestruck by God’s faithfulness, love, plan of redemption, and His holiness and sovereignty. He’s given us much to learn through even this one verse. Jesus is He w...

26 Verses to Ground You When Life Feels Chaotic

Pamela Palmer

We may face hardships and challenges because of the brokenness of the world, but God wants us to have hope and peace through it all. Jesus has overcome every situation and circumstance you will ever f...

6 Things to Know about the Messianic Prophecies of Jesus

Dawn Wilson

Biblical scholars say there are approximately 2,500 prophecies are in the Bible—with about 2,000 of them already fulfilled. But only a few hundred of these are Messianic prophecies. Fulfilled prophecy...

How to Bring Biblical Blessings into Your Life

Allie Boman

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 This most famous o...

Did You Catch These Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms?

Bethany Verrett

David was a shepherd and a king, but he was also a prophet. There were prophecies the Messiah would fulfill throughout the Book of Psalms. They were highly specific, and the Lord Jesus would explain h...

Worship God as El Elyon: the Lord Most High

Andy Lee

The Lord has many names in the Bible. You may have heard of the one "El Elyon" which means Most High (Deuteronomy 26:19). El Elyon, God Might High, or sometimes LORD Most High is used throug...

What Does the Bible Say about Asaph?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Asaph is the psalmist you know but don’t realize you know. ...

4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

21 Bible Verses for Sleep and Rest When Your Soul Needs Peace

Debbie McDaniel

Many of us have been there. Middle of the night. Darkness surrounds. All is quiet. All should be at peace. Except we can’t sleep. Recently when our family walked through a very difficult trial, I foun...

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

Can We Really “Bless the Lord at All Times” as Psalm 34 Says?

Bethany Verrett

It can seem like it is an impossible task to have praises to the Lord on one’s lips every moment of each day. What about sleeping? Eating? Working or parenting? It seems that David has set an impossib...

Why Should We Know about Agur, Author of the Sayings in Proverbs 30

Lisa Loraine Baker

God used Agur to pen a chapter in the Bible. What an honor to be entrusted with inscribing words as part of the Holy Scriptures. ...

40 Bible Verses about Prayer to Encourage You

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

We all need to know prayer Bible verses. Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God, and he wants to get to know us better. Bible verses about prayer are great if you want to know how to pray....

6 Intentions to Bring into This Holiday Season

Carley Marcouillier

The holidays tend to get hectic for all of us. We want to be intentional with our time and spend quiet moments reflecting on Jesus and why we celebrate, but things just seem to get away from us. If yo...

Finding Help

I say, “Help comes from God.” I tell people, “You’re not alone.” Both are empty phrases if I don’t live like I believe them. The author of Psalm 121 spotted this problem....

15 Comforting Psalms for Healing to Pray and Encourage Loved Ones

Hope Bolinger

Psalms for healing can be one of the most beautiful spiritual medicines when a family or friend undergoes a sickness, surgery, or ailment. Pray over these Psalms of comfort today....

What Does "Omnipresent" Mean?

Dawn Wilson

As a young girl, visiting a little street-corner church in Chicago, I heard a preacher quote Matthew 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” It w...

How Can We Be Angry, but Not Sin?

Blair Parke

Anger can come up in any situation in life. Sometimes we see it as passionate anger to make a change for the better, or bad anger that can cause harm to yourself and/or others.Yet, in Ephesians 4:26, ...

10 Bible Names of God to Know from the Old Testament

Heather Riggleman

There is great power in a name. Names have a way of creating an identity and it’s how we are known by those around us. So what’s in a name? A lot, especially when it comes to God and his character. Le...

How Does God Use Our Weakness as a Strength?

Ruth Clemence

We do not like to admit our weaknesses. The expression “play to your strengths” is all about focusing on what we do well. If people could see us for who we really are from the inside &nd...