Search Results for time to mourn

Found 60 Results for time to mourn
A Prayer for Uvalde to Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Cheryl Gilbert

YES, there are issues at hand that are imperative to address, problems that MUST be solved. And yet here, now, this very moment, we must mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15)....

What Should be the Opening Words of a Funeral Service?

Brian Croft

Opening a funeral service can feel as awkward as those first words you speak to the family who has just lost their loved one. Yet because of the attentiveness people give in those moments, we must sei...

What Is the Bible's Definition of Lament?

Linda Lyle

What does the Bible's definition of lament teach us about wisely grieving today? ...

5 Ways to Rejoice While Grieving During the Holidays

Kirstyn Mayden

While the holidays invite us to be joyous, it is difficult when we are grieving. When we may not feel like singing “Emmanuel,” the good news is that God is still with us and there is still a reason to...

50 Bible Verses and Quotes for Shrove Tuesday

G. Connor Salter

May these Bible verses and quotes about noted Christian thinkers give you encouragement and something to think about this Shrove Tuesday....

7 Reasons Every Christian Should Read Hebrews

Emma Danzey

Many of us, as modern-day Christians, often feel distant from the Old Covenant found in the Old Testament of our Bibles. The first covenant that God made with His people is now fulfilled through the l...

10 Bible Verses for Reflection on the Fourth of July

G. Connor Salter

These Bible verses help us remember on the Fourth of July why values like freedom and defending the helpless are so important....

5 Reasons All Christians Should Celebrate Juneteenth

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Juneteenth serves not only as a day of remembrance, it is also a platform for reflection and dialogue about the struggle for racial equality that still exists in our nation 160 years later. This holid...

What Does It Mean to Put on a Garment of Praise?

Heather Adams

When we are going through difficult circumstances, it can certainly be challenging to set our minds and hearts to give praise. But passages like this remind us that God is our Rescuer and Comforter, w...

Shifting Our Focus from Tragedy to Hope

Allie Boman

Tragedy is nothing new for God’s people. Many Bible events display both the darkness of this world and the goodness of God as he brings hope and healing in tragic circumstances. Nehemiah&rs...

What Should I Say to Someone Who Is Grieving?

Pamela Palmer

The grief journey is a significant time in someone’s life when they need people to support them and provide love, care, and encouragement. As a believer, when we speak to a grieving person, it is impo...

Who wrote Ecclesiastes? Bible Book Author and Meaning

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Can We Continue Doing Virtual Church after COVID?

Mike Leake

It seems to fit your schedule and your personality better to just watch online. Is this okay to do? Does it still count as church? To effectively answer this question, we need to ask questions about t...

Easter in Quarantine: What Does the Holiday Mean in This Season?

Allie Boman

Easter 2020 will look pretty different for all of us. And while it is entirely valid to mourn the loss of time with our family, friends, and brother and sister in Christ, don't let those feelings over...

Does the Bible Advise Us about Dealing with Grief?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

How do you effectively cope with grief, and what wisdom does the Bible offer in guiding us through this process?...

6 Prayers to Guide You This Christmas Season

Bethany Verrett

One of the best ways to get close to God at this time of year is to talk to Him. While we pray, we grow closer to the living God. These prayers can also help Christians focus on others, and on creatin...

7 Commands for Dealing with Church Conflict

Looking around at the state of Christianity in the world today with all of its various camps and divisions, it’s tempting to idealize the early church as a perfect time of peace and harmony. But then ...

17 Encouraging Verses for Seasons of Grief

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since we are all going to face grief in this life, the question is when grief comes, where do you go for comfort? Thankfully God knew you would experience grief in this life, and he has provided numer...

25 Comforting Prayers for the Dying and for Their Families and Loved Ones

Melissa Henderson

Prayers for the dying are one way we can draw closer to God. There may be times when words won’t come. ...

Is “Prepare to Meet Thy God” in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

“Prepare to meet thy God” could be harrowing or comforting words. So what makes the difference?...