6 Prayers to Guide You This Christmas Season

6 Prayers to Guide You This Christmas Season

It is always exciting to get together at Christmas, exchange gifts, and begin looking forward to the future. Since this season holds particular significance for believers, Christians often look for ways to focus on the Lord and Savior, to avoid getting caught up in some of the more worldly trappings. These things are not bad in and of themselves, but they can take away our focus and distract from the true significance of the day.

One of the best ways to get close to God at this time of year is to talk to Him. While we pray, we grow closer to the living God. These prayers can also help Christians focus on others, and on creating moments of peace in their lives and home. In his letter to the Romans, Paul encouraged his readers to, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12). These practices are the fundamentals of the Christian walk and should be on our minds, particularly during the holidays.

Here are six prayers for the Christmas season:

1. Prayer of Gratitude for Salvation

Holy Father,

Thank you for giving me life, and then when I failed and sinned, for making a way for me to have eternal life. Thank you for the death and resurrection of Your Son Jesus Christ, which paid the atoning price for my sins and made a way for me to be a part of the resurrection of the dead and the saints when Jesus returns.

Lord, I know that I am a sinner and that I have violated your law. I know that I cannot redeem myself in my own power because I will always succumb to sin. Thank you for having the mercy and the grace to extend salvation to me, and for everyone who will repent of their sins, confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in their heart that You raised Him from the dead. 

I praise you for salvation. At this time of the year when we focus on the birth of Your Son, help us to remember why He came – to be the perfect sacrifice and atone for our wickedness. Thank you Lord.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray,

2. Prayer for Good Family Relationships

Holy Father,

Thank you for wanting there to be peace between people, and for Your purpose in creating families. Lord, because of our sin, it can be hard to get along with everyone in my family. I lift my family and our relationships up to You, and ask You to help keep them healthy, happy, and fulfilling.

Christmas can be a contentious time of the year, so please have Your hand on us so we can get along. Holy Spirit, please bring peace to our gatherings. For relationships that are broken, please bring healing, good communication, and a better future. Thank you for always loving us, even when we struggle to love one another, and please give us a greater portion of love to give to others.

In Jesus’ name I pray,

3. Prayer for Israel at Christmas and Hanukkah

Holy Father,

I want to take some time to lift up Your people, Israel to You. Thank you for the gift of salvation that You brought to fruition through the line of Abraham, Judah, and David. We are so grateful that You always keep Your promises. We know that Your Word speaks of promises to Israel that are yet to be fulfilled; we look forward to the day that Jesus will rule and reign from Jerusalem.

Lord, Israel is suffering right now, and they have enemies all around them. During this season that celebrates the miracle of the oil lamps, help them to see that Jesus is the light of the world. Show them the Messiah is come, and work in the hearts of our Jewish friends and neighbors all around the world, so they can turn to Jesus – the true Savior. Protect Israel from her enemies and show the world Your power.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we lift up Israel to You,

4. Prayer for those Struggling with Depression at Christmas

Holy Father,

Thank you for being with those who mourn, with those who are struggling, and with those who are going through valleys and tribulation. Even though Christmas brings the good news of the birth of the Savior, there are many people out there who are struggling with depression, sadness, loneliness, and pain.

For believers, Holy Spirit, please minister in a special way to them so they can feel Your presence and receive true comfort. The Bible says the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and so many need that right now.

For those who do not yet know You as their God, please use this period to show them Your truth, so they can repent and turn to You. For people who may need to see a doctor, give them the opportunity. Send Your peace to those who are particularly in need this Christmas, O Lord.

In Jesus’ name I pray,

5. Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Holy Father,

I thank you that I have been blessed with Your love, and I thank you that being saved means becoming a part of the family of God. Lord, we know that Your Word says there will be people in Heaven who will come from every tongue, every tribe, and every nation. We rejoice in the miracle of salvation and thank you for Your infinite mercy!

While we all remember the birth of Your Son Jesus, please send the Holy Spirit to encourage the brothers and sisters around the world who are experiencing persecution. Remind them there is hope that Your Son will return, and there will be justice. For those who are celebrating in silence, in secret churches, and at the risk of death, please protect them. Have Your hand on them my Lord, and protect the persecuted church.

In Jesus name I pray,

6. Prayer for Salvation of the Lost

Holy Father,

Thank you so much for saving my soul! Thank you for making a way for me to be redeemed from my sin and for me to spend eternity with You. Lord, there are so many people who do not know what Christmas is about. They create temporary happiness and impermanent peace, and are blinded by trappings to their own sin and damnation.

Lord, Your Word says that Your will is that everyone would repent of their sins and be saved. You gave Your own Son as a sacrifice for the world so this could happen. Please show me someone I can share the Gospel with this Christmas. Send out many into the harvest, and bring people to a saving faith in You, so they can accept the free gift of grace. We cry out for the people who are still lost, and ask for chances to join You in Your work to share the Gospel and see people saved. May this be our goal, our prayer, and our purpose this Christmas, and every year.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,

Prayer is powerful, and God always answers prayers in His perfect timing. During the Christmas season, in the midst of the busyness, we should always take time to focus on the things that matter the most, which will last into eternity. Spending time with God is always a benefit to the believer, and it can be a way to be there for someone, even if it seems like they are far away physically or emotionally.

The Bible says, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2). Remain in communication with God through prayer, and He will always be with you. 

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Ritthichai

Bethany Verrett is a freelance writer who uses her passion for God, reading, and writing to glorify God. She and her husband have lived all over the country serving their Lord and Savior in ministry. She has a blog on graceandgrowing.com.