Search Results for trust

Found 82 Results for trust

Visitors to northwest Georgia often stop to see Toccoa Falls and Toccoa Falls College. Both are beautiful, as they should be, since the word toccoa means "beautiful" in the Cherokee language. Behind t...


A dying man who was living in great fear of death asked his minister if he knew exactly what heaven was like. The minister replied that he did not know exactly what heaven’s like. The sick man replied...

Illustration: Stewardship, Trust

In his book The Cycle of Victorious Giving (Beacon Hill Press), Stan Toler tells about the time when he was a college student and attended the annual missions conference at his church. ...

Illustration: God

A few years ago a school bus driver in a Chicago suburb legally changed his name to “In God We Trust.” ...

Illustration: Faith/Belief

John Gibson Paton was a missionary to New Hebrides. He was translating the Gospel of John into the native language. He could not find a word for believe. The natives were cannibals. There was no trust...


After the 1988 Winter Olympics, a television show featured a group of blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make ri...


The Chinese Christian, Watchman Nee, died in a Communist prison for his faith. During his lifetime, he was roundly criticized by the government. Smear campaigns were employed to discredit him, but he ...

Faith And Fear

The African impala can jump to a height of over 10 feet and cover a distance of greater than 30 feet. Yet these magnificent creatures can be kept in an enclosure in any zoo with a 3-foot wall. The ani...


In 25 of the 50 United States you can leave your estate to a person or to an institution but not to an animal. However, in half of the states you can leave your wealth in trust to a pet. You can also ...


Senator Jim Talent says he prayed to trust Jesus as his Savior in response to an invitation he heard on the radio. The Missouri Republican gave his Christian testimony at a National Day of Prayer eve...


In an interview which appeared in, Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright said, "My life's message is be a slave of Jesus. And all that involves. Love your master, trust your master and obey y...

Salvation By Faith

Many born-again Christians cannot recall just when they were saved. Perhaps they grew up in a Christian home and didn't have a dramatic conversion. Yet they love and trust Christ. Some are every sensi...

Faith Honored

Communion Reward Faith honors God and God honors faith! If we abide in His will and trust Him implicitly the Lord will reward our confidence. An incident from the lives of Robert and Mary Moffat under...

Divine Providence

As Pastor John Aker boarded a DC-10 at Newark Airport, the plane was nearly empty. The computer, however, had assigned him a seat next to a man named Richard. Once airborne, the two began talking; Ric...

Illustration: Grace, Fatigue

Grace is not always the pleasant experience we assume that it is, but God's grace is a gift of help that we need....

Faith Makes a Difference

One of the most effective of the "embedded" reporters in Iraq was David Bloom, who reported for NBC News. On his modified "Bloom-mobile" he was able to broadcast live news reports while accompanying t...

Ten Temptations of a Leader

Dr. Bill Lawrence

Every time we fall into one of the temptations, we end up short-circuiting our purpose, sinning against God, harming others, and deceiving ourselves into thinking we are doing well....


Advice to Graduates by Mary Schmich (not Kurt Vonnegut): Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been pro...

Illustration: Integrity

Jesus the Christ must be our first priority....


The Puritan John Owen said: “Our forgiving of others will not procure forgiveness for ourselves; but our not forgiving others proves that we ourselves are not forgiven.” And Thomas Wats...