Search Results for hebrews 1:3

Found 133 Results for hebrews 1:3
Why Was Capernaum Such an Important City in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the ancient world, Capernaum was the place to live if you wanted a life as a merchant. Capernaum existed as a trading village of about 1500 people on the northwestern Galilean seashore to the south...

Is It True That if You Ask, Then You Shall Receive?

Michael Jakes

As we pray, we should not expect the Lord to humbly submit to our every whim and desire. God is not a genie or a magic lamp that we can run to when we want something. Here is where we must be able to ...

Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation?

Tim Pietz

Exhortation is filled with this same kindness and hope, but then it takes a second step—it incites its listeners to action....

What Does It Really Mean to Know Christ?

Ruth Clemence

How do we get to know someone? By spending time with them. Listening to them. Sharing life together. When we trust in Jesus, He gives us His Spirit to live within us (1 John 4:13). We become His frien...

Why Is It So Important (and Refreshing!) to Praise the Lord?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Many think they can praise the Lord only in a corporate setting, such as weekly church services or along with others at a conference or worship music event. But there are so many ways we can praise th...

How to Rest in the Lord When Your World Is Upside Down

Seth L. Scott

The practice of rest can seem like an intangible luxury in our chaotic world, but our willingness to relinquish control in the structure of the day and rhythm of the week to a loving Creator demonstra...

What Is the Relationship between the Father and the Son?

Denise Larson Cooper

Since Scripture does not separate the Father and Son from the Spirit, we must tread carefully. Before we examine how the Son relates to the Father, we must consider the doctrine of the Trinity, the Th...

Is Prayer Really That Important?

Leigh Ann Thomas

Are we simply offering “good thoughts” or are we pledging to take these worries and concerns before our Heavenly Father? Is there a difference? And if so, why is prayer important?...

Why Should We Know about the Overlooked Judge Shamgar?

Lisa Loraine Baker

. Shamgar served as the third judge over Israel, after Othniel and Ehud. Under Ehud, Israel had rest for 80 years (Judges 3:30)....

How to Know 'Joy Comes in the Morning' in Your Darkest Hour

Josie Siler

But a shout of joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5, NASB). The word used here for joy is the Hebrew word rinnah. It means “ringing cry of entreaty, supplication” or “ringing cry in proclamation, joy...

What Is Dunamis, and What Kind of Power Does Jesus Give Believers?

Annette Griffin

God’s plan and design, power can become a destructive force. But when God’s power, dunamis, lives inside us we can be used by Him as an unstoppable vessel for good....

4 Powerful Prayers to Protect Your Marriage from Divorce

Gina Smith

As believers, it does not matter who we are, what we do for a living, or how long we have been a Christian; none of us are immune to the enemy's vicious attacks in our lives or marriages. Satan is on ...

30 Easy Ways to Continue Encouraging Someone in a Prolonged Time of Suffering

Lisa Loraine Baker

Maybe they are facing a long season of infertility or waiting on a job or relationship change, or a life-changing event looms on the horizon. Each time of suffering hurts, and when it’s extended, the ...

How Old Was Abraham When He Died?

Kelly-Jayne McGlynn

Abraham is famous for trusting God to bear him at such a late stage in life, and he continued trusting him for another 75 years. But what else do we know about what Abraham accomplished in his long li...

What Is the Doxology and Why Do We Sing It?

Jessica Brodie

In essence, a doxology is a praise song, usually a very specific one that is meant to express full, unadulterated, complete, and perfect worship and adoration for the Lord God Almighty....

What Is the One Needed Thing That Mary Chose and Martha Missed?

Meredith N Mills

When Jesus corrected Martha, he didn’t condemn her or say her service didn’t matter. Instead, he pointed to the turmoil in her soul. Her restless heart revealed a deeper issue — she was missing the po...

From Glory to Glory

Perfection is the goal of God’s sanctifying work in us. He’s not merely making us better than we are; he is conforming us to the image of his Son....

What Is the Authority of Scripture, and How Can We Trust It?

Jean Wilund

The authority of Scripture means every word and stroke of the Bible possesses the authority of God and the right to rule the hearts, minds, and bodies of every inhabitant of earth....

What Is the Dangerous LDS Notion of the Patriarchal Blessing?

Emma Danzey

The patriarchal blessing is not supported by Scripture, therefore, God Himself does not encourage this act. The issue is a man-made rule has been created to give authority to a man....