Search Results for proverbs 20

Found 180 Results for proverbs 20
15 Encouraging Proverbs for Friends

Heather Adams

Part of Jesus’ mission on Earth was to be an example for us of how to live. As He went, He modeled what good friendship looks like. His words and actions were based on Old Testament principles. And if...

What Does 'She Is Clothed with Strength and Dignity' Mean in Proverbs 31?

Dolores Smyth

Written to celebrate the blessing of women who love others with strength of character and dignity of conduct, Proverbs 31 is great wisdom for anyone wishing to put on the new self....

25 Verses to Help Us Build Healthy Communication with One Another

Heather Adams

Throughout Scripture, the Lord lays out a purpose for connecting with others that goes beyond simple interaction. Through our conversations and correspondences we are meant to be a light for Him in th...

Christian, “As Iron Sharpens Iron,” You Can Influence Others for the Better

Bethany Verrett

Psalm 27:17 tells us that “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” There's some debate about what exactly this verse means, if it's positive or negative. But one thing is for certain: Chris...

Why Should We Know about Agur, Author of the Sayings in Proverbs 30

Lisa Loraine Baker

God used Agur to pen a chapter in the Bible. What an honor to be entrusted with inscribing words as part of the Holy Scriptures. ...

How Does a Friend Love at All Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus added weight to our understanding of what a true friend is when He said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Isn’t that the ultimate...

23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Father’s Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To find inspiration as a father there is no better place to turn than God’s word and the timeless wisdom found in the Scriptures. God's Word provides a wellspring of encouragement and guidance for you...

What Does it Mean ‘Without Vision, the People Perish’?

Joel Ryan

This knowledge provides a new vision that allows us to see God and His plan for our lives more clearly. Without this vision, we are left to wander in the dark down a path that ultimately leads to dest...

What You Need to Know about Hezekiah in the Bible

Dawn Wilson

Verifying his place in biblical history, archaeologists found Hezekiah’s royal seal in 2010 in an area at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem....

What Can Christian Seniors Do When They No Longer Feel Useful?

Dawn Wilson

Demographics today show the swelling number of seniors among us. According to an analysis of the 2020 U.S. census, about one in six people were reported as age 65 and over. Rapid growth of the ol...

What Does Scripture Say about Our Tongues and Speech?

Heather Adams

Scripture is very clear on this point: the words we use and the way we say them impacts the world around us. God gives us the choice of whether our impact will be positive or negative. When we follow ...

What Does the Bible Say about Choosing Our Friends?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The truth about friends is they will affect your life because these are the people who are closest to you. Their access to your life is going to lift you up or tear you down. They are going to help yo...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Pursue Humility?

Heather Adams

Some people think showing humility is a sign of weakness. But actually, it reflects maturity - having a strong sense of self-acceptance and a love for others. Humbleness comes from acknowledging that ...

How Can Christians Live the Biblical Definition of Wisdom?

Britt Mooney

The Bible speaks a great deal about wisdom. However, its definition of wisdom differs from what the world generally says....

What It Does and Does Not Mean to Be a Virtuous Woman

Blair Parke

A virtuous woman doesn’t look to society – or even people in general – for her worth, but to God and what He has called her to be as part of His plan. Even if it means that she is seen as an outcast f...

How Does the Bible Caution Us about Toxic People?

Heather Adams

God’s Word gives us examples of those who not only disregarded His Ways, but openly tried to turn others against Him. Some were willing to repent and become aligned again with the Lord, but others stu...

7 Thoughts on Church Discipline

I am frequently asked about my thoughts on church discipline. I’ve learned that most of the time, when someone asks, they have a personal agenda they are attempting to address, far more than they have...

10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal

Mike Leake

In Proverbs 17:15, we read,He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.How does this verse apply to the trial of Jesus? Was it...

What Does the Bible Say about Relationships?

Kristi Woods

What does the Bible say about relationships? We all have them—with friends, spouses, parents, children, and more. Some flow easily and bring much joy. Others not so much. What, then, should we...

What Does “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child” Mean in the Bible?

Kyle Blevins

There is often confusion between this phrase and a biblical Proverb regarding “sparing the rod.” This phrase was actually coined by a 17th-century poet and satirist by the name of Samuel Butler in his...