Matthew 13:17

17 I assure you that many prophets and righteous people wanted to see what you see and hear what you hear, but they didn't.

Matthew 13:17 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 13:17

For verily I say unto you
This is added for the further confirmation of what is before said, concerning the happiness of the disciples, in seeing and hearing what they did:

that many prophets, and righteous men;
Luke says, ( Luke 10:24 ) "kings"

have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen
them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard
To see Christ in the flesh, and have a clearer insight into the knowledge of the mysteries of grace, were things very desirable to men of the highest class in church and state, and of the best characters, such as Abraham, ( John 8:56 ) . Jacob, ( Genesis 49:18 ) . David, ( Psalms 14:7 ) . Solomon, and the church in his time, ( Song of Solomon 8:1 ) . Isaiah, and the saints with him, ( Isaiah 25:9 ) with many others. These indeed had a sight of Christ, but a very distant one; they saw him afar off in the promises and prophecies of him; and not very clearly, but through dark types and cloudy sacrifices; whereas the disciples saw him in person, heard him preach, took in the evidence of his miracles, and felt the power of his doctrines, and spiritually and savingly understood them. A way of speaking, somewhat like this, stands in the Talmud F16;

``Many have watched to expound in Mercavah (the beginning of Ezekiel's prophecy), (Mhymym htwa war alw) , "and have not seen it all their days".''


F16 T. Bab. Megilla, fol. 24. 2.

Matthew 13:17 In-Context

15 For this people's senses have become calloused, and they've become hard of hearing, and they've shut their eyes so that they won't see with their eyes or hear with their ears or understand with their minds, and change their hearts and lives that I may heal them.
16 “Happy are your eyes because they see. Happy are your ears because they hear.
17 I assure you that many prophets and righteous people wanted to see what you see and hear what you hear, but they didn't.
18 "Consider then the parable of the farmer.
19 Whenever people hear the word about the kingdom and don't understand it, the evil one comes and carries off what was planted in their hearts. This is the seed that was sown on the path.
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