2 Coríntios 10:12

12 pois não ousamos contar-nos, ou comparar-nos com alguns, que se louvam a si mesmos; mas estes, medindo-se consigo mesmos e comparando-se consigo mesmos, estão sem entendimento.

2 Coríntios 10:12 Meaning and Commentary

2 Corinthians 10:12

For we dare not make ourselves of the number
Some understand this as spoken ironically, as if the apostle jeeringly should say, he would not pretend to join, or put himself upon a level, who was a poor, little, mean, despicable person, with such great men as the false apostles were, men of such large gifts, and of such great learning and eloquence; though they may be understood without an irony, that the modesty of the apostle and his fellow ministers would not suffer them to mingle with such persons, and act the vainglorious part they did: or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves; they were not so vain and foolish, as to give high encomiums of themselves, therefore would not boast even of the authority they had, and much less say that in letters, which they could not make good in fact:

but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing
themselves among themselves, are not wise,
or "understand not"; how foolish they are, how ridiculous they make themselves; they do not understand what they say, nor whereof they affirm; they do not understand themselves, what they really are; for to form a right judgment of themselves, they should have considered the gifts and abilities, the learning and knowledge of others, and thereby might have taken an estimate of their own; but instead of this, they only consulted themselves, and measured and compared themselves with themselves; which was acting just such a foolish part, as if a dwarf was to measure himself not with any kind of measure, or with another person, but with himself; only surveys himself, and his own dimensions, and fancies himself a giant. Just the reverse is this, to what is said in Philo the Jew F15,

``(thn gar ouyeneian thn emautou metrein emayon) , "I have learned to measure the nothingness of myself", and to contemplate thy exceeding great bounties; and moreover, perceive myself to be dust and ashes, or if there is any thing more abject.''


F15 Quis rer. divin. Haeres, p. 485.

2 Coríntios 10:12 In-Context

10 Porque eles dizem: As cartas dele são graves e fortes, mas a sua presença corporal é fraca, e a sua palavra desprezível.
11 Considere o tal isto, que, quais somos no falar por cartas, estando ausentes, tais seremos também no fazer, estando presentes,
12 pois não ousamos contar-nos, ou comparar-nos com alguns, que se louvam a si mesmos; mas estes, medindo-se consigo mesmos e comparando-se consigo mesmos, estão sem entendimento.
13 Nós, porém, não nos gloriaremos além da medida, mas conforme o padrão da medida que Deus nos designou para chegarmos mesmo até vós;
14 porque não nos estendemos além do que convém, como se não chegássemos a vós, pois já chegamos também até vós no evangelho de Cristo,

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