Êxodo 19

1 No terceiro mês depois que os filhos de Israel haviam saído da terra do Egito, no mesmo dia chegaram ao deserto de Sinai.
2 Tendo partido de Refidim, entraram no deserto de Sinai, onde se acamparam; Israel, pois, ali acampou-se em frente do monte.
3 Então subiu Moisés a Deus, e do monte o Senhor o chamou, dizendo: Assim falarás � casa de Jacó, e anunciarás aos filhos de Israel:
4 Vós tendes visto o que fiz: aos egípcios, como vos levei sobre asas de águias, e vos trouxe a mim.
5 Agora, pois, se atentamente ouvirdes a minha voz e guardardes o meu pacto, então sereis a minha possessão peculiar dentre todos os povos, porque minha é toda a terra;
6 e vós sereis para mim reino sacerdotal e nação santa. São estas as palavras que falarás aos filhos de Israel.
7 Veio, pois, Moisés e, tendo convocado os anciãos do povo, expôs diante deles todas estas palavras, que o Senhor lhe tinha ordenado.
8 Ao que todo o povo respondeu a uma voz: Tudo o que o Senhor tem falado, faremos. E relatou Moisés ao Senhor as palavras do povo.
9 Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Eis que eu virei a ti em uma nuvem espessa, para que o povo ouça, quando eu falar contigo, e também para que sempre te creia. Porque Moisés tinha anunciado as palavras do seu povo ao Senhor.
10 Disse mais o Senhor a Moisés: Vai ao povo, e santifica-os hoje e amanhã; lavem eles os seus vestidos,
11 e estejam prontos para o terceiro dia; porquanto no terceiro dia descerá o Senhor diante dos olhos de todo o povo sobre o monte Sinai.
12 Também marcarás limites ao povo em redor, dizendo: Guardai-vos, não subais ao monte, nem toqueis o seu termo; todo aquele que tocar o monte será morto.
13 Mão alguma tocará naquele que o fizer, mas ele será apedrejado ou asseteado; quer seja animal, quer seja homem, não viverá. Quando soar a buzina longamente, subirão eles até o pé do monte.
14 Então Moisés desceu do monte ao povo, e santificou o povo; e lavaram os seus vestidos.
15 E disse ele ao povo: Estai prontos para o terceiro dia; e não vos chegueis a mulher.
16 Ao terceiro dia, ao amanhecer, houve trovões, relâmpagos, e uma nuvem espessa sobre o monte; e ouviu-se um sonido de buzina mui forte, de maneira que todo o povo que estava no arraial estremeceu.
17 E Moisés levou o povo fora do arraial ao encontro de Deus; e puseram-se ao pé do monte.
18 Nisso todo o monte Sinai fumegava, porque o Senhor descera sobre ele em fogo; e a fumaça subiu como a fumaça de uma fornalha, e todo o monte tremia fortemente.
19 E, crescendo o sonido da buzina cada vez mais, Moisés falava, e Deus lhe respondia por uma voz.
20 E, tendo o Senhor descido sobre o monte Sinai, sobre o cume do monte, chamou a Moisés ao cume do monte; e Moisés subiu.
21 Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Desce, adverte ao povo, para não suceder que traspasse os limites até o Senhor, a fim de ver, e muitos deles pereçam.
22 Ora, santifiquem-se também os sacerdotes, que se chegam ao Senhor, para que o Senhor não se lance sobre eles.
23 Respondeu Moisés ao Senhor: O povo não poderá subir ao monte Sinai, porque tu nos tens advertido, dizendo: Marca limites ao redor do monte, e santifica-o.
24 Ao que lhe disse o Senhor: Vai, desce; depois subirás tu, e Arão contigo; os sacerdotes, porém, e o povo não traspassem os limites para subir ao Senhor, para que ele não se lance sobre eles.
25 Então Moisés desceu ao povo, e disse-lhes isso.

Êxodo 19 Commentary

Chapter 19

The people come to Sinai, God's message to them, and their answer. (1-8) The people directed to prepare to hear the law. (9-15) The presence of God on Sinai. (16-25)

Verses 1-8 Moses was called up the mountain, and was employed as the messenger of this covenant. The Maker and first Mover of the covenant, is God himself. This blessed charter was granted out of God's own free grace. The covenant here mentioned was the national covenant, by which the Israelites were a people under the government of Jehovah. It was a type of the new covenant made with true believers in Christ Jesus; but, like other types, it was only a shadow of good things to come. As a nation they broke this covenant; therefore the Lord declared that he would make a new covenant with Israel, writing his law, not upon tables of stone, but in their hearts, ( Jeremiah 31:33 , Hebrews 8:7-10 ) . The covenant spoken of in these places as ready to vanish away, is the national covenant with Israel, which they forfeited by their sins. Unless we carefully attend to this, we shall fall into mistakes while reading the Old Testament. We must not suppose that the nation of the Jews were under the covenant of works, which knows nothing of repentance, faith in a Mediator, forgiveness of sins, or grace; nor yet that the whole nation of Israel bore the character, and possessed the privileges of true believers, as being actually sharers in the covenant of grace. They were all under a dispensation of mercy; they had outward privileges and advantages for salvation; but, like professing Christians, most rested therein, and went no further. Israel consented to the conditions. They answered as one man, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. Oh that there had been such a heart in them! Moses, as a mediator, returned the words of the people to God. Thus Christ, the Mediator, as a Prophet, reveals God's will to us, his precepts and promises; and then, as a Priest, offers up to God our spiritual sacrifices, not only of prayer and praise, but of devout affections, and pious resolutions, the work of his own Spirit in us.

Verses 9-15 The solemn manner in which the law was delivered, was to impress the people with a right sense of the Divine majesty. Also to convince them of their own guilt, and to show that they could not stand in judgment before God by their own obedience. In the law, the sinner discovers what he ought to be, what he is, and what he wants. There he learns the nature, necessity, and glory of redemption, and of being made holy. Having been taught to flee to Christ, and to love him, the law is the rule of his obedience and faith.

Verses 16-25 Never was there such a sermon preached, before or since, as this which was preached to the church in the wilderness. It might be supposed that the terrors would have checked presumption and curiosity in the people; but the hard heart of an unawakened sinner can trifle with the most terrible threatenings and judgments. In drawing near to God, we must never forget his holiness and greatness, nor our own meanness and pollution. We cannot stand in judgment before him according to his righteous law. The convinced transgressor asks, What must I do to be saved? and he hears the voice, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. The Holy Ghost, who made the law to convince of sin, now takes of the things of Christ, and shows them to us. In the gospel we read, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. We have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Through him we are justified from all things, from which we could not be justified by the law of Moses. But the Divine law is binding as a rule of life. The Son of God came down from heaven, and suffered poverty, shame, agony, and death, not only to redeem us from its curse, but to bind us more closely to keep its commands.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter we have an account of the coming of the children of Israel to Mount Sinai, Ex 19:1,2, of the covenant made with them there, the proposal on the part of God, and their acceptance of it, Ex 19:3-8, the previous notice God gave three days before of his appearance on the mount, the orders for their preparation to meet him, and the execution of them, Ex 19:9-15, the awful and tremendous appearance of God upon the mount, Ex 19:6-20 and the strict charge given, that neither people nor priests should come near and gaze, only Moses and Aaron with him were to come up, bounds being set to prevent the rest, Ex 19:21-24, and the chapter is closed with observing, that Moses went down from the mount, and delivered to the people what the Lord spoke to and by him, Ex 19:25.

Êxodo 19 Commentaries

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