Gênesis 30:24

24 E chamou-lhe José, dizendo: Acrescente-me o Senhor ainda outro filho.

Gênesis 30:24 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 30:24

And she called his name Joseph
Which signifies "adding", or rather, "to be added"; or, "God shall add", giving this reason for it; and said, the Lord shall add to me another son:
which is expressive of strong faith; that as she had begun to bear children, she should bear another, as she did; though some read the words as a wish or prayer, "may the Lord", or, "and that the Lord would add" F8; but our version seems best: the name Joseph is composed of two words, one which signifies to gather or take away, used in ( Genesis 30:23 ) , and another which signifies to add; and so has respect to the Lord's taking away her reproach, and adding to her another son: Melo, an Heathen writer, makes mention of Joseph by name, as Polyhistor F9 relates, and makes him the twelfth and last son of Abraham, whereas he was the eleventh of Jacob. He was born, as the Jews say F11, the twenty seventh of Tammuz or June, and lived one hundred and ten years.


F8 (Poy) "addat", V. L. Pagninus, Montanus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.
F9 Apud. Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 9. c. 19. p. 421.
F11 Shalshal. ibid.

Gênesis 30:24 In-Context

22 Também lembrou-se Deus de Raquel, ouviu-a e a tornou fecunda.
23 De modo que ela concebeu e deu � luz um filho, e disse: Tirou-me Deus o opróbrio.
24 E chamou-lhe José, dizendo: Acrescente-me o Senhor ainda outro filho.
25 Depois que Raquel deu � luz a José, disse Jacó a Labão: Despede-me a fim de que eu vá para meu lugar e para minha terra.
26 Dá-me as minhas mulheres, e os meus filhos, pelas quais te tenho servido, e deixame ir; pois tu sabes o serviço que te prestei.
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