Mateus 15

1 Então chegaram a Jesus uns fariseus e escribas vindos de Jerusalém, e lhe perguntaram:
2 Por que transgridem os teus discípulos a tradição dos anciãos? pois não lavam as mãos, quando comem.
3 Ele, porém, respondendo, disse-lhes: E vós, por que transgredis o mandamento de Deus por causa da vossa tradição?
4 Pois Deus ordenou: Honra a teu pai e a tua mãe; e, Quem maldisser a seu pai ou a sua mãe, certamente morrerá.
5 Mas vós dizeis: Qualquer que disser a seu pai ou a sua mãe: O que poderias aproveitar de mim é oferta ao Senhor; esse de modo algum terá de honrar a seu pai.
6 E assim por causa da vossa tradição invalidastes a palavra de Deus.
7 Hipócritas! bem profetizou Isaias a vosso respeito, dizendo:
8 Este povo honra-me com os lábios; o seu coração, porém, está longe de mim.
9 Mas em vão me adoram, ensinando doutrinas que são preceitos de homem.
10 E, clamando a si a multidão, disse-lhes: Ouvi, e entendei:
11 Não é o que entra pela boca que contamina o homem; mas o que sai da boca, isso é o que o contamina.
12 Então os discípulos, aproximando-se dele, perguntaram-lhe: Sabes que os fariseus, ouvindo essas palavras, se escandalizaram?
13 Respondeu-lhes ele: Toda planta que meu Pai celestial não plantou será arrancada.
14 Deixai-os; são guias cegos; ora, se um cego guiar outro cego, ambos cairão no barranco.
15 E Pedro, tomando a palavra, disse-lhe: Explica-nos essa parábola.
16 Respondeu Jesus: Estai vós também ainda sem entender?
17 Não compreendeis que tudo o que entra pela boca desce pelo ventre, e é lançado fora?
18 Mas o que sai da boca procede do coração; e é isso o que contamina o homem.
19 Porque do coração procedem os maus pensamentos, homicídios, adultérios, prostituição, furtos, falsos testemunhos e blasfêmias.
20 São estas as coisas que contaminam o homem; mas o comer sem lavar as mãos, isso não o contamina.
21 Ora, partindo Jesus dali, retirou-se para as regiões de Tiro e Sidom.
22 E eis que uma mulher cananéia, provinda daquelas cercania, clamava, dizendo: Senhor, Filho de Davi, tem compaixão de mim, que minha filha está horrivelmente endemoninhada.
23 Contudo ele não lhe respondeu palavra. Chegando-se, pois, a ele os seus discípulos, rogavam-lhe, dizendo: Despede-a, porque vem clamando atrás de nós.
24 Respondeu-lhes ele: Não fui enviado senão �s ovelhas perdidas da casa de Israel.
25 Então veio ela e, adorando-o, disse: Senhor, socorre-me.
26 Ele, porém, respondeu: Não é bom tomar o pão dos filhos e lançá-lo aos cachorrinhos.
27 Ao que ela disse: Sim, Senhor, mas até os cachorrinhos comem das migalhas que caem da mesa dos seus donos.
28 Então respondeu Jesus, e disse-lhe: ç mulher, grande é a tua fé! seja-te feito como queres. E desde aquela hora sua filha ficou sã.
29 Partindo Jesus dali, chegou ao pé do mar da Galiléia; e, subindo ao monte, sentou-se ali.
30 E vieram a ele grandes multidões, trazendo consigo coxos, aleijados, cegos, mudos, e outros muitos, e lhos puseram aos pés; e ele os curou;
31 de modo que a multidão se admirou, vendo mudos a falar, aleijados a ficar sãos, coxos a andar, cegos a ver; e glorificaram ao Deus de Israel.
32 Jesus chamou os seus discípulos, e disse: Tenho compaixão da multidão, porque já faz três dias que eles estão comigo, e não têm o que comer; e não quero despedi-los em jejum, para que não desfaleçam no caminho.
33 Disseram-lhe os discípulos: Donde nos viriam num deserto tantos pães, para fartar tamanha multidão?
34 Perguntou-lhes Jesus: Quantos pães tendes? E responderam: Sete, e alguns peixinhos.
35 E tendo ele ordenado ao povo que se sentasse no chão,
36 tomou os sete pães e os peixes, e havendo dado graças, partiu-os, e os entregava aos discípulos, e os discípulos á multidão.
37 Assim todos comeram, e se fartaram; e do que sobejou dos pedaços levantaram sete alcofas cheias.
38 Ora, os que tinham comido eram quatro mil homens além de mulheres e crianças.
39 E havendo Jesus despedido a multidão, entrou no barco, e foi para os confins de Magadã.

Mateus 15 Commentary

Chapter 15

Jesus discourses about human traditions. (1-9) He warns against things which really defile. (10-20) He heals the daughter of a Syrophenician woman. (21-28) Jesus heals the sick, and miraculously feeds four thousand. (29-39)

Verses 1-9 Additions to God's laws reflect upon his wisdom, as if he had left out something which was needed, and which man could supply; in one way or other they always lead men to disobey God. How thankful ought we to be for the written word of God! Never let us think that the religion of the Bible can be improved by any human addition, either in doctrine or practice. Our blessed Lord spoke of their traditions as inventions of their own, and pointed out one instance in which this was very clear, that of their transgressing the fifth commandment. When a parent's wants called for assistance, they pleaded, that they had devoted to the temple all they could spare, even though they did not part with it, and therefore their parents must expect nothing from them. This was making the command of God of no effect. The doom of hypocrites is put in a little compass; "In vain do they worship me." It will neither please God, nor profit themselves; they trust in vanity, and vanity will be their recompence.

Verses 10-20 Christ shows that the defilement they ought to fear, was not from what entered their mouths as food, but from what came out of their mouths, which showed the wickedness of their hearts. Nothing will last in the soul but the regenerating graces of the Holy Spirit; and nothing should be admitted into the church but what is from above; therefore, whoever is offended by a plain, seasonable declaration of the truth, we should not be troubled at it. The disciples ask to be better taught as to this matter. Where a weak head doubts concerning any word of Christ, an upright heart and a willing mind seek for instruction. It is the heart that is desperately wicked, Jer. 17:9 , for there is no sin in word or deed, which was not first in the heart. They all come out of the man, and are fruits of that wickedness which is in the heart, and is wrought there. When Christ teaches, he will show men the deceitfulness and wickedness of their own hearts; he will teach them to humble themselves, and to seek to be cleansed in the Fountain opened for sin and uncleanness.

Verses 21-28 The dark corners of the country, the most remote, shall share Christ's influences; afterwards the ends of the earth shall see his salvation. The distress and trouble of her family brought a woman to Christ; and though it is need that drives us to Christ, yet we shall not therefore be driven from him. She did not limit Christ to any particular instance of mercy, but mercy, mercy, is what she begged for: she pleads not merit, but depends upon mercy. It is the duty of parents to pray for their children, and to be earnest in prayer for them, especially for their souls. Have you a son, a daughter, grievously vexed with a proud devil, an unclean devil, a malicious devil, led captive by him at his will? this is a case more deplorable than that of bodily possession, and you must bring them by faith and prayer to Christ, who alone is able to heal them. Many methods of Christ's providence, especially of his grace, in dealing with his people, which are dark and perplexing, may be explained by this story, which teaches that there may be love in Christ's heart while there are frowns in his face; and it encourages us, though he seems ready to slay us, yet to trust in him. Those whom Christ intends most to honour, he humbles to feel their own unworthiness. A proud, unhumbled heart would not have borne this; but she turned it into an argument to support her request. The state of this woman is an emblem of the state of a sinner, deeply conscious of the misery of his soul. The least of Christ is precious to a believer, even the very crumbs of the Bread of life. Of all graces, faith honours Christ most; therefore of all graces Christ honours faith most. He cured her daughter. He spake, and it was done. From hence let such as seek help from the Lord, and receive no gracious answer, learn to turn even their unworthiness and discouragements into pleas for mercy.

Verses 29-39 Whatever our case is, the only way to find ease and relief, is to lay it at Christ's feet, to submit it to him, and refer it to his disposal. Those who would have spiritual healing from Christ, must be ruled as he pleases. See what work sin has made; what various diseases human bodies are subject to. Here were such diseases as fancy could neither guess the cause nor the cure of, yet these were subject to the command of Christ. The spiritual cures that Christ works are wonderful. When blind souls are made to see by faith, the dumb to speak in prayer, the maimed and the lame to walk in holy obedience, it is to be wondered at. His power was also shown to the multitude, in the plentiful provision he made for them: the manner is much the same as before. All did eat, and were filled. Those whom Christ feeds, he fills. With Christ there is bread enough, and to spare; supplies of grace for more than seek it, and for those that seek for more. Christ sent away the people. Though he had fed them twice, they must not look for miracles to find their daily bread. Let them go home to their callings and their own tables. Lord, increase our faith, and pardon our unbelief, teaching us to live upon thy fulness and bounty, for all things pertaining to this life, and that which is to come.

Mateus 15 Commentaries

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