Genesis 41 Footnotes


41:1-8 Pharaoh’s dreams were dominated by the number seven and were full of the common agricultural imagery of Egypt. It was surprising that none of the “magicians” (who relied on occult knowledge) or “wise men” (a group of advisers found in many ancient royal courts; see Dn 2:2,10 for example), ventured an interpretation. Perhaps Pharaoh’s distress concerning the dreams (Gn 41:8) caused them to fear that they would share the baker’s fate if they offered the wrong interpretation.

41:40-44,46-49 Potiphar had almost immediately trusted Joseph with everything related to his household (39:3-6), and the warden of the prison had done the same in his sphere of responsibility (39:21-23). Amazingly, Pharaoh immediately made Joseph the vizier (i.e., second ruler) over all the land of Egypt. In the description of Joseph’s newfound splendor and power, the most significant item is his possession of Pharaoh’s signet ring. Given Pharaoh’s confidence in Joseph’s intelligence and wisdom (41:39), the king’s signet was virtually a blank check for anything Joseph decided to do in Egypt.

41:45,50-52 In contrast to Daniel’s being given a Babylonian name to draw him into the culture of Babylon (Dn 1:6-7), Joseph’s Egyptian name recognized his faith in the God of Israel. Zaphenath-paneah means “the God speaks and lives.”