Numbers 16 Footnotes


16:1–19:22 The second cycle of rebellion focuses on the challenge to the divinely ordained preeminence of the Aaronic priesthood. The insurrection resulted in the deaths of the 250 followers of Korah and an additional 14,700 from the plague that ensued (chaps. 16–17). Also in view is the violation of the sanctuary; hence the initial focus of chap. 18 is the role of the Aaronic priests in protecting the holy place (18:1-7). Provision for the priests and Levites from the tithes and offerings occupies 18:8-32. The cycle concludes with chap. 19, which presents material related to purification from uncleanness resulting from contact with or proximity to the dead—a matter of concern in view of the thousands who died in the Korah rebellion.

16:20-35 When Korah rallied the Israelites in support of the rebellion, the Lord instructed Moses and Aaron to distance themselves from the crowd because of the impending judgment. The narrative stresses Moses’s role as mediator as he responds in a desperate plea for mercy upon the congregation, asking the Lord to judge only the instigators of the insurrection. The Lord accepts his intervention, and only the rebellious leaders carrying the censers were consumed.