Commonly Used Abbreviations in the CSB



AD In the year of our Lord
aka also known as
Akk Akkadian
alt alternate
a.m. from midnight until noon
ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts, 3rd edn., James B. Pritchard, ed. (Princeton, 1969)
Ant. Antiquities—a history of the Jewish people by Josephus
Aq Aquila
BC before Christ
c. century
ca circa
chap(s). chapter(s)
cp. compare
DSS Dead Sea Scrolls
e.g. for example
Eng English
esp. especially
etc. etcetera
ff. following
Gk Greek
Hb Hebrew
i.e. that is
Jer Latin translation of Psalms by Jerome
Lat Latin
Lit/lit Literally/literally
LXX Septuagint—an ancient translation of the Old Testament into Greek
MT Masoretic Text
NT New Testament
ms(s) manuscript(s)
OT Old Testament
p., pp. page, pages
p.m. from noon until midnight
pl plural
Ps(s) Psalm(s)
Sam Samaritan Pentateuch
sg singular
Sir Sirach
Sym Symmachus
Syr Syriac
Tg Targum
Theod Theodotian
v., vv. verse, verses
Vg Vulgate—an ancient translation of the Bible into Latin
vol(s). volume(s)
vs. versus
x times