Genesis 15:19

Genesis 15:19

The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites.
] In this and the following verses ten nations are reckoned as occupying the land of Canaan at this time, whereas only seven are mentioned in the times of Moses and Joshua; and these three are not among them, and seem before those times to have been extinct, or were mixed with the other nations, and were no more distinct ones; though Aben Ezra thinks these people had two names, and Jarchi interprets them of the Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites, who shall be the inheritance of the children of Israel in future times, according to ( Isaiah 11:14 ) ; and so the Jerusalem Talmud F20, from whence he seems to have taken it; and some are of opinion that the Midianites are meant by the Kenites, since Jethro, Moses's father in law, who was of Midian, is called the Kenite, as was also Heber, who was of the same race, ( Judges 1:16 ) ( 4:11 ) ; there were Kenites near to the Amalekites in the times of Balaam, and who dwelt among them in the times of Saul, ( Numbers 24:20 Numbers 24:21 ) ( 1 Samuel 15:6 ) ; as there were also some of this name that descended from the father of the house of Rechab, or the Rechabites, who were associates and proselytes to the people of Israel, ( 1 Chronicles 2:55 ) ; the Kenizzites are supposed by some to be the descendants of Kenaz, a grandson of Esau, ( Genesis 36:11 ) ; but then they must be so called here by anticipation, since Kenaz was not now born, and rather then would have had the name of Kenazites; besides, none of the land of the children of Esau, at least of those that dwelt about Mount Seir, was to be given to the children of Israel, ( Deuteronomy 1:5 ) ; could indeed the Edomites or Idumeans be intended, it might be thought this had its accomplishment in the times of David, and more especially when the Idumeans became Jews, embraced their religion, and were one people with them, in the times of Hyrcanus F21: the Kadmonites, or the Orientals, were, as Bochart F23 very probably thinks, the Hivites, who inhabited the eastern part of the land of Canaan about Mount Hermon, and from thence might have their name, as they are in the Jerusalem Targum called the children of the east; and hence came the names of Cadmus and Hermione his wife, who were Hivites, and the fable of their being turned into serpents, which the word Hivites signifies.


F20 Sheviith, fol. 37. 2.
F21 Joseph Antiqu. l. 13. c. 9. sect. 1.
F23 Canaan, l. 1. c. 19. col. 447.