Genesis 48:1
And it came to pass after these things
Some little time after Jacob had sent for Joseph, and conversed with him about his burial in the land of Canaan, and took an oath to bury him there, for then the time drew nigh that he must die: that [one] told Joseph, behold, thy father [is] sick;
he was very infirm when he was last with him, and his natural strength decaying apace, by which he knew his end was near; but now he was seized with a sickness which threatened him with death speedily, and therefore very probably dispatched a messenger to acquaint Joseph with it. Jarchi fancies that Ephraim, the son of Joseph, lived with Jacob in the land of Goshen, and when he was sick went and told his father of it, but this is not likely from what follows: and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim;
to see their grandfather before he died, to hear his dying words, and receive his blessing.