Psalms 86:6

Psalms 86:6

Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer
As this psalm is called, in the title of it; his own prayer, and not another's, not one composed for him, but what was composed by him; this petition is repeated, as to the sense of it, from ( Psalms 86:1 ) to show his importunity to be heard:

and attend to the voice of my supplications;
which proceeded from the spirit of grace and supplication, put up in an humble manner, in a dependence on the mercy of God, which the word used has the signification of, and were attended with thanksgiving, ( Psalms 86:12 Psalms 86:13 ) , according to the apostle's rule, ( Philippians 4:6 ) , these were vocal prayers, and not mere mental ones; see ( Hebrews 5:7 ) .