


I was a because I was naked, Gn 3:10
not be a, Abram. I am your shield Gn 15:1
he was a to look at God. Ex 3:6
Do not be a, alarmed, or terrified Dt 20:3
Do not be a or discouraged, Jos 1:9
I will not be a of the thousands Ps 3:6
of whom should I be a? Ps 27:1
When I am a, I will trust in you. Ps 56:3
She is not a for her household Pr 31:21
I will trust him and not be a, Is 12:2
Do not be a of anyone, for I will be Jr 1:8
don’t be a to take Mary Mt 1:20
Jesus told them, “Do not be a. Mt 28:10
Don’t be a. Only believe. Mk 5:36
they were a of him, Mk 11:18
they were a of the crowd Mk 11:32; 12:12
Do not be a, Mary, Lk 1:30
they were a of the people. Lk 22:2
It is I. Don’t be a! Jn 6:20
they were a of the Jews, Jn 9:22
I will not be a. What can man do Heb 13:6