


These are the LORD’s a-ed times, Lv 23:4
a a king to judge us 1Sm 8:5
A a king for them. 1Sm 8:22
I will a peace as your government Is 60:17
A harvest is also a-ed for you, Hs 6:11
the LORD a-ed a great fish Jnh 1:17
God a-ed a worm Jnh 4:7
vision is yet for the a-ed time; Hab 2:3
He a-ed twelve, Mk 3:14
been a-ed for you as the Messiah. Ac 3:20
God did not a us to wrath, 1Th 5:9
For this I was a-ed a herald, 1Tm 2:7
Don’t be too quick to a anyone 1Tm 5:22
a elders in every town: Ti 1:5
God has a-ed him heir of all things Heb 1:2
it is a-ed for people to die once Heb 9:27