Luke 2:16

16 They hurried off and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the feeding trough.

Luke 2:16 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 2:16

And they came with haste
In the night, leaving their flocks, to see their incarnate Lord, as Zacchaeus hastened down from the tree to receive the Saviour. The wonderfulness of the vision, the importance of the thing related, the eagerness of their spirits to see the thing that was told them, put them on making quick dispatch, and hastening to the city with all speed:

and found Mary and Joseph;
as they had been directed by the angel, in the city of Bethlehem, in an inn there, and in a stable in the inn:

and the babe lying in a manger:
where Mary had put it as soon as born, and had wrapped it in swaddling clothes; because there was no room in the inn, and as the angel had told them they should find it, ( Luke 2:12 )

Luke 2:16 In-Context

14 Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors!
15 When the angels had left them and returned to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go straight to Bethlehem and see what has happened, which the Lord has made known to us."
16 They hurried off and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the feeding trough.
17 After seeing [them], they reported the message they were told about this child,
18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
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