Numbers 7:47

47 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Eliasaph son of Deuel.[a]

Numbers 7:47 Meaning and Commentary

Numbers 7:47

And for a sacrifice of peace offerings
(See Gill on Numbers 7:17). Eliasaph the son of Deuel;
see ( Numbers 1:14 ) ( 2:18 ) .

Numbers 7:47 In-Context

45 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering;
46 one male goat for a sin offering;
47 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Eliasaph son of Deuel.
48 On the seventh day Elishama son of Ammihud, leader of the Ephraimites, [presented an offering].
49 His offering was one silver dish weighing three and a quarter pounds and one silver basin weighing one and three-quarter pounds, [measured] by the standard sanctuary shekel, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering;

Footnotes 1

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