彼得前書 1:10

10 論 到 這 救 恩 , 那 預 先 說 你 們 要 得 恩 典 的 眾 先 知 早 已 詳 細 的 尋 求 考 察 ,

彼得前書 1:10 Meaning and Commentary

1 Peter 1:10

Of which salvation the prophets have inquired
They greatly desired the coming of the Saviour, and to see him; they longed after the salvation to be accomplished by him, and expressed their wishes for him, and that; and inquired into the nature of it, and gave an account thereof, according to the measure of light and knowledge communicated to them; they pointed out Christ as a Redeemer of his people, and his salvation as spiritual and eternal:

and searched diligently;
in the use of means; by prayer and supplication; by reading the prophecies that went before; by observing the types, shadows, and sacrifices of the law; and by waiting upon the Lord for the inspiration of his Spirit. This last clause is omitted in the Syriac version, but rightly retained in all others:

who prophesied of the grace; [that should] come unto you;
Jews, and also the Gentiles. They prophesied both of Christ, who is the unspeakable gift of God's free grace, who is full of grace, and by whom it comes; and also of the several blessings of grace through Christ, as of redeeming grace from sin, Satan, death, and the grave; of justifying grace, through his righteousness, he being the Lord our righteousness, in whom all the seed of Israel shall be justified, and glory; for though his righteousness is revealed without the law, yet it is witnessed to by law and prophets; of pardoning grace, as with God, and as a blessing of the new covenant, and as received through faith in Christ, to which give all the prophets witness; of adopting grace, both to Jews and Gentiles, signifying, that where they were not called the people of God, they should be called the sons of God; of regenerating and sanctifying grace, in giving a new heart and Spirit, in sprinkling with clean water, in writing the laws of God in the inward parts, and pouring out the Spirit in a plenteous manner on all sorts of men; of persevering grace, intimating that they that fear the Lord shall not depart from him, and that his loving kindness shall never depart from them; and of eternal life and glory, as God's free gift, which is that everlasting salvation, they say, Israel shall be saved in the Lord with.

彼得前書 1:10 In-Context

8 你 們 雖 然 沒 有 見 過 他 , 卻 是 愛 他 ; 如 今 雖 不 得 看 見 , 卻 因 信 他 就 有 說 不 出 來 、 滿 有 榮 光 的 大 喜 樂 ;
9 並 且 得 著 你 們 信 心 的 果 效 , 就 是 靈 魂 的 救 恩 。
10 論 到 這 救 恩 , 那 預 先 說 你 們 要 得 恩 典 的 眾 先 知 早 已 詳 細 的 尋 求 考 察 ,
11 就 是 考 察 在 他 們 心 裡 基 督 的 靈 , 預 先 證 明 基 督 受 苦 難 , 後 來 得 榮 耀 , 是 指 著 甚 麼 時 候 , 並 怎 樣 的 時 候 。
12 他 們 得 了 啟 示 , 知 道 他 們 所 傳 講 ( 原 文 是 服 事 ) 的 一 切 事 , 不 是 為 自 己 , 乃 是 為 你 們 。 那 靠 著 從 天 上 差 來 的 聖 靈 傳 福 音 給 你 們 的 人 , 現 在 將 這 些 事 報 給 你 們 ; 天 使 也 願 意 詳 細 察 看 這 些 事 。
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