彼得前書 2:18

18 你 們 作 僕 人 的 , 凡 事 要 存 敬 畏 的 心 順 服 主 人 ; 不 但 順 服 那 善 良 溫 和 的 , 就 是 那 乖 僻 的 也 要 順 服 。

彼得前書 2:18 Meaning and Commentary

1 Peter 2:18

Servants, be subject to your masters
This was another notion of the Jews, that because they were the seed of Abraham, they ought not to be the servants of any; and particularly such as were believers in Christ thought they ought not to serve unbelieving masters, nor indeed believing ones, because they were equally brethren in Christ with them; hence the Apostle Peter, here, as the Apostle Paul frequently elsewhere, inculcates this duty of servants to their masters; see ( 1 Corinthians 7:20 1 Corinthians 7:21 ) ( Ephesians 6:5 ) ( Colossians 3:22 ) ( 1 Timothy 6:1 ) ( 2 Timothy 2:9 ) the manner in which they are to be subject to them is,

with all fear;
with reverence to their persons, strict regard to their commands, faithfulness in any trust reposed in them, diligence in the discharge of their duty, and carefulness of offending them: and all this,

not only to the good and gentle;
those that are good natured, kind, beneficent, and merciful; that do not use them with rigour and severity; are moderate in their demands of service; require no more to be done than what is reasonable; allow them sufficient diet, give them good wages, and pay them duly:

but also to the froward;
the ill natured, morose, and rigorous; who exact more labour than is requisite; give hard words, and harder blows; withhold sufficiency of food from them, and keep back the hire of their labours.

彼得前書 2:18 In-Context

16 你 們 雖 是 自 由 的 , 卻 不 可 藉 著 自 由 遮 蓋 惡 毒 ( 或 譯 : 陰 毒 ) , 總 要 作 神 的 僕 人 。
17 務 要 尊 敬 眾 人 , 親 愛 教 中 的 弟 兄 , 敬 畏 神 , 尊 敬 君 王 。
18 你 們 作 僕 人 的 , 凡 事 要 存 敬 畏 的 心 順 服 主 人 ; 不 但 順 服 那 善 良 溫 和 的 , 就 是 那 乖 僻 的 也 要 順 服 。
19 倘 若 人 為 叫 良 心 對 得 住 神 , 就 忍 受 冤 屈 的 苦 楚 , 這 是 可 喜 愛 的 。
20 你 們 若 因 犯 罪 受 責 打 , 能 忍 耐 , 有 甚 麼 可 誇 的 呢 ? 但 你 們 若 因 行 善 受 苦 , 能 忍 耐 , 這 在 神 看 是 可 喜 愛 的 。
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