路加福音 4:13

13 魔 鬼 用 完 了 各 樣 的 試 探 , 就 暫 時 離 開 耶 穌 。

路加福音 4:13 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 4:13

And when the devil had ended all the temptation
Or "all his temptations", as the Syriac version reads; not only the last mentioned, but all the rest, whether inward or outward, in a visible or in an invisible manner; whether during his forty days fast, or after he was an hungered, when he had tried every way, and all sorts of temptations with him; and when he had done this, "in", or "with all his power", as the Ethiopic version reads; "when he had done his utmost", and his best; and as the Persic version adds, "and profited nothing"; could not succeed, or get any advantage over him:

he departed from him for a season;
till another opportunity should offer, or till that time should come, when would be the hour and power of darkness; and by means of one of his disciples, he should bruise his heel, and bring him to an accursed death; ( John 14:30 ) ( Luke 22:53 ) .

路加福音 4:13 In-Context

11 他 們 要 用 手 托 著 你 , 免 得 你 的 腳 碰 在 石 頭 上 。
12 耶 穌 對 他 說 : 經 上 說 : 不 可 試 探 主 ─ 你 的 神 。
13 魔 鬼 用 完 了 各 樣 的 試 探 , 就 暫 時 離 開 耶 穌 。
14 耶 穌 滿 有 聖 靈 的 能 力 , 回 到 加 利 利 ; 他 的 名 聲 就 傳 遍 了 四 方 。
15 他 在 各 會 堂 裡 教 訓 人 , 眾 人 都 稱 讚 他 。
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