啟示錄 14:1

1 我 又 觀 看 , 見 羔 羊 站 在 錫 安 山 , 同 他 又 有 十 四 萬 四 千 人 , 都 有 他 的 名 和 他 父 的 名 寫 在 額 上 。

啟示錄 14:1 Meaning and Commentary

Revelation 14:1

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb
The Alexandrian copy, and some others, read "the Lamb"; the same that had been seen before in, the midst of the throne, ( Revelation 5:6 ) ; and all the Oriental versions have the same article also; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for mention is made of his Father in a following clause; the King of Zion, where he is seen standing, and the Redeemer of his people, who are at large described; it is the same Lamb who is so often spoken of in this book before: in the two preceding chapters an account is given of the state of the church, as oppressed under Rome Pagan, and Rome Papal, and here of its more glorious and victorious condition, with Christ at the head of it; in the last chapter antichrist is described, with his followers and worshippers, and as exercising tyranny and cruelty upon the saints, and here Christ and his followers are represented in vision, and some hints given of the fall of Babylon, and of the wrath of God upon the worshippers of the beast, and of the happiness of those who belong to the Lamb: and of him it is here said, that he

stood on the Mount Zion;
by which is meant not heaven, but the church on earth; why that is called Mount Zion, (See Gill on Hebrews 12:22); here Christ the Lamb stood, as presiding over it, being King of Zion, or the church; where he stood and fed, or ruled, in the name of the Lord, and in the majesty of his God; and where he appeared in the defence of his church and people, oppressed by antichrist; for he is Michael that standeth for the children of his people, and who stands with courage, and in the greatness of his strength, and is invincible; nor does he stand here alone:

and with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand;
the same with those in ( Revelation 7:3 Revelation 7:4 ) , though all the world wondered after the beast, and all that dwelt upon the earth worshipped him, yet there was a number preserved that did not bow the knee to him; a remnant according to the election of grace, who were called out of the world, and brought to Zion, and were on the side of the Lamb, and abode by him, and cleaved unto him:

having his Father's name written in their foreheads;
not baptism, administered in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, as some think; nor eternal election, as others, though as their names were written in the Lamb's book of life, so this was manifest to themselves and others, as if his name and his Father's had been written in their foreheads; but rather adoption, the new name of a child of God, they having the spirit of adoption, whereby they cried, "Abba", Father, and being openly and manifestly the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus; unless it should be thought there is an allusion to the inscription in the mitre on the forehead of the high priest, "holiness to the Lord", and so be expressive of that visible holiness which will be on the saints in the spiritual reign of Christ, which this vision respects; see ( Zechariah 14:20 ) ; or to the frontlets between the eyes of the people of Israel, to put them in mind of the law, and their obedience to it, ( Deuteronomy 6:8 ) ; and so may here denote the engagements of those saints in the service of God; though perhaps no more is intended than their open and hearty profession of their faith, and that they were not ashamed of appearing in the cause of God and truth; nor of Christ and his words, his Gospel and ordinances: the Alexandrian copy, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions, read, "having his name, (the Lamb's,) and his Father's name written in their foreheads"; and the Ethiopic version adds, "and of his Holy Spirit". Mr. Daubuz thinks this vision refers to the times of Constantine, and to the Christians then, and particularly the council of Nice, and as contemporary with that in ( Revelation 7:9-17 ) .

啟示錄 14:1 In-Context

1 我 又 觀 看 , 見 羔 羊 站 在 錫 安 山 , 同 他 又 有 十 四 萬 四 千 人 , 都 有 他 的 名 和 他 父 的 名 寫 在 額 上 。
2 我 聽 見 從 天 上 有 聲 音 , 像 眾 水 的 聲 音 和 大 雷 的 聲 音 , 並 且 我 所 聽 見 的 好 像 彈 琴 的 所 彈 的 琴 聲 。
3 他 們 在 寶 座 前 , 並 在 四 活 物 和 眾 長 老 前 唱 歌 , 彷 彿 是 新 歌 ; 除 了 從 地 上 買 來 的 那 十 四 萬 四 千 人 以 外 , 沒 有 人 能 學 這 歌 。
4 這 些 人 未 曾 沾 染 婦 女 , 他 們 原 是 童 身 。 羔 羊 無 論 往 那 裡 去 , 他 們 都 跟 隨 他 。 他 們 是 從 人 間 買 來 的 , 作 初 熟 的 果 子 歸 與 神 和 羔 羊 。
5 在 他 們 口 中 察 不 出 謊 言 來 ; 他 們 是 沒 有 瑕 疵 的 。
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