詩篇 110:5

5 在 你 右 邊 的 主 , 當 他 發 怒 的 日 子 , 必 打 傷 列 王 。

詩篇 110:5 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 110:5

The Lord at thy right hand
These words are either directed to Christ, at whose right hand the Lord was to help and assist him, ( Psalms 16:8 ) or to the church, consisting of the Lord's willing people, at whose right hand he is to save them; is ready to help them, and is a present help to them in time of need, ( Psalms 109:31 ) or rather to Jehovah the Father, at whose right hand the "Adonai", or Lord, even David's Lord, and every believer's Lord, is, as in ( Psalms 110:1 ) , and who is spoken of in all the following clauses; and to whom the things mentioned are ascribed, and so what immediately follows:

shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath;
not only strike at them, and strike them; but strike them through, utterly destroy them. This is to be understood of the kings and princes that stood up and set themselves against him, ( Psalms 2:2 ) , which is interpreted of Herod and Pontius Pilate, ( Acts 4:26 Acts 4:27 ) , who both died shameful deaths; as did another Herod, that set himself against the apostles and church of Christ, ( Acts 12:1 Acts 12:2 Acts 12:23 ) , and also of Heathens, kings and emperors, who persecuted the Christians; as Diocletian, Maximilian, and others; who are represented as fleeing to rocks and mountains, to hide them from the Lamb, the great day of his wrath being come, ( Revelation 6:15-17 ) , and also of the antichristian kings, that shall be gathered together to the battle of the Lord God Almighty, and shall be overcome and slain by Christ, ( Revelation 16:14 Revelation 16:16 ) ( 17:14 ) ( Revelation 19:20 Revelation 19:21 ) which will be a time of wrath, when the vials of God's wrath shall be poured out upon the antichristian kings and states; see ( Revelation 16:1 Revelation 16:19 ) ( 11:18 ) . And may also reach the last and general judgment; when kings, as well as others, shall stand before him, and receive their awful doom from him; and shall perish when his wrath is kindled against them, ( Psalms 2:11 Psalms 2:12 ) .

詩篇 110:5 In-Context

3 當 你 掌 權 的 日 子 ( 或 譯 : 行 軍 的 日 子 ) , 你 的 民 要 以 聖 潔 的 妝 飾 為 衣 ( 或 譯 : 以 聖 潔 為 妝 飾 ) , 甘 心 犧 牲 自 己 ; 你 的 民 多 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ( 或 譯 : 你 少 年 時 光 耀 如 清 晨 的 甘 露 ) 。
4 耶 和 華 起 了 誓 , 決 不 後 悔 , 說 : 你 是 照 著 麥 基 洗 德 的 等 次 永 遠 為 祭 司 。
5 在 你 右 邊 的 主 , 當 他 發 怒 的 日 子 , 必 打 傷 列 王 。
6 他 要 在 列 邦 中 刑 罰 惡 人 , 屍 首 就 遍 滿 各 處 ; 他 要 在 許 多 國 中 打 破 仇 敵 的 頭 。
7 他 要 喝 路 旁 的 河 水 , 因 此 必 抬 起 頭 來 。
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