耶利米書 9:10

10 我 要 為 山 嶺 哭 泣 悲 哀 , 為 曠 野 的 草 場 揚 聲 哀 號 ; 因 為 都 已 乾 焦 , 甚 至 無 人 經 過 。 人 也 聽 不 見 牲 畜 鳴 叫 , 空 中 的 飛 鳥 和 地 上 的 野 獸 都 已 逃 去 。

耶利米書 9:10 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 9:10

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing
Because of the desolation of them; because no pasture upon them, nor flocks feeding there; or "concerning" them, as the Arabic version; or "upon" them F25, in order to cause the lamentation to be heard the further; but the former sense seems best, as appears by what follows. The Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, read it as an exhortation to others, "take up a weeping": but they are the words of the prophet, declaring what he would do. And for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation;
for the cottages of the shepherds, erected for their convenience, to look after their flocks, feeding on the mountains, and in the valleys; for the wilderness does not denote barren places, but pastures: because they are burnt up;
by the fire of the Chaldeans, who burnt the cottages, and drove off the cattle: so that none can pass through them;
or there is none that passes through; as no inhabitant there, so no passenger that way; which shows how very desolate these places were: neither can men hear the voice of the cattle;
the lowing of the oxen, or the bleating of the sheep, there being none to be heard, being all carried off; and indeed no men to hear them, had there been any: both the fowl of the heavens and the beasts are fled, they are gone;
or, "from the fowl of the heavens to the beasts" F26, the places lying waste and uncultivated; there were no seed for the fowls to pick up, which generally frequent places where there is sowing, and where fruit is brought to perfection; and no pasture for the beasts to feed upon. Kimchi says these words are an hyperbole. The word (hmhb) , "beast", being by geometry, or numerically, fifty two, the Jews F1 gather from hence, that for the space of fifty two years no man passed through the land of Judah; which they reckon from the time that Zedekiah was carried captive, to the commandment of Cyrus.


F25 (Myrhh le) "super montibus", Cocceius; "super montes", V. L. Pagninus, Montanus.
F26 (hmhb red Mymvh Pwem) "ab ave coelorum usque ad bestiam", Schmidt.
F1 T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 145. 2. & Gloss. in ib. Vid. T. Bab. Megilla, fol. 11. 1, 2.

耶利米書 9:10 In-Context

8 他 們 的 舌 頭 是 毒 箭 , 說 話 詭 詐 ; 人 與 鄰 舍 口 說 和 平 話 , 心 卻 謀 害 他 。
9 耶 和 華 說 : 我 豈 不 因 這 些 事 討 他 們 的 罪 呢 ? 豈 不 報 復 這 樣 的 國 民 呢 ?
10 我 要 為 山 嶺 哭 泣 悲 哀 , 為 曠 野 的 草 場 揚 聲 哀 號 ; 因 為 都 已 乾 焦 , 甚 至 無 人 經 過 。 人 也 聽 不 見 牲 畜 鳴 叫 , 空 中 的 飛 鳥 和 地 上 的 野 獸 都 已 逃 去 。
11 我 必 使 耶 路 撒 冷 變 為 亂 堆 , 為 野 狗 的 住 處 , 也 必 使 猶 大 的 城 邑 變 為 荒 場 , 無 人 居 住 。
12 誰 是 智 慧 人 , 可 以 明 白 這 事 ? 耶 和 華 的 口 向 誰 說 過 , 使 他 可 以 傳 說 ? 遍 地 為 何 滅 亡 , 乾 焦 好 像 曠 野 , 甚 至 無 人 經 過 呢 ?
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