耶利米書 9:2

2 惟 願 我 在 曠 野 有 行 路 人 住 宿 之 處 , 使 我 可 以 離 開 我 的 民 出 去 ; 因 他 們 都 是 行 姦 淫 的 , 是 行 詭 詐 的 一 黨 。

耶利米書 9:2 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 9:2

Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring
Such as travellers take up with in a desert, when they are benighted, and cannot reach a town or village. This the prophet chose, partly that he might have an opportunity to give vent to his grief, being alone; for which reason he did not desire to be in cities and populous places, where he might be amused and diverted while his people were in distress: and partly to show his sympathy, not being able to bear the sight of their misery; and also some degree of indignation at their impieties, which had brought ruin upon them; on account of which it was more eligible to dwell with the wild beasts of the desert than with them in his native country: wherefore it follows, that I might leave my people, and go from them;
which of itself was not desirable; no man chooses to leave his country, his own people, and his father's house, and go into distant lands and strange countries; and especially into a wilderness, where there is neither suitable food nor agreeable company: wherefore this shows, that there must be something very bad, and very provoking, to lead him to take such a step as this: the reason follows, for they be all adulterers;
either in a literal or figurative sense; the latter seems rather intended; for though corporeal fornication and adultery might greatly prevail among them, yet not to such a height as that "all" of them were guilty; whereas idolatry did generally obtain among them: an assembly of treacherous men; not a few only, but in general they were apostates from God and from true religion, and treacherous to one another. The Septuagint calls them "a synod"; and Joseph Kimchi interprets it "a kingdom"; deriving the word from (rue) , as it signifies to have rule and dominion; denoting, that the kingdom in general was false and perfidious.

耶利米書 9:2 In-Context

1 但 願 我 的 頭 為 水 , 我 的 眼 為 淚 的 泉 源 , 我 好 為 我 百 姓 ( 原 文 是 民 女 ; 七 節 同 ) 中 被 殺 的 人 晝 夜 哭 泣 。
2 惟 願 我 在 曠 野 有 行 路 人 住 宿 之 處 , 使 我 可 以 離 開 我 的 民 出 去 ; 因 他 們 都 是 行 姦 淫 的 , 是 行 詭 詐 的 一 黨 。
3 他 們 彎 起 舌 頭 像 弓 一 樣 , 為 要 說 謊 話 。 他 們 在 國 中 增 長 勢 力 , 不 是 為 行 誠 實 , 乃 是 惡 上 加 惡 , 並 不 認 識 我 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。
4 你 們 各 人 當 謹 防 鄰 舍 , 不 可 信 靠 弟 兄 ; 因 為 弟 兄 盡 行 欺 騙 , 鄰 舍 都 往 來 讒 謗 人 。
5 他 們 各 人 欺 哄 鄰 舍 , 不 說 真 話 ; 他 們 教 舌 頭 學 習 說 謊 , 勞 勞 碌 碌 地 作 孽 。
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