箴言 1:24

24 我 呼 喚 , 你 們 不 肯 聽 從 ; 我 伸 手 , 無 人 理 會 ;

箴言 1:24 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 1:24

Because I have called, and ye refused
This is to be understood not of the internal call of Wisdom, or Christ, which is by the special grace of his Spirit; is according to an eternal purpose, the fruit of everlasting love, peculiar to God's elect, and by a divine power; and is also a call to special blessings of grace, and to eternal glory; and which is always effectual, unchangeable, and irreversible, and can never be refused, rejected, and resisted, so as to become void and of no effect: but of the external call by the word, to the natural duties of religion, and to an attendance on the means of grace; which may be where no election goes before, no sanctification attends, nor salvation follows, ( Matthew 20:16 ) ( 22:14 ) ; and this may be refused and rejected, as it often is; as when men, notwithstanding that call, do not attend on the ministry of the word, or, if they do, it is in a negligent careless way; or, they show an aversion to it, despise, contradict, and blaspheme it, as the Jews did, who were the persons first called to hear it; see ( Matthew 22:2-5 ) ; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
this is a gesture of persons calling to others, as orators and preachers, requiring silence and attention; and when eager and fervent, and importunate in their discourses; it is attributed to Christ, ( Isaiah 65:2 ) ( Romans 10:21 ) ; but, notwithstanding all Wisdom's eagerness, zeal, warmth, and importunity, expressed by words and gestures, it was all disregarded; no attention was given to it, which is here complained of.

箴言 1:24 In-Context

22 說 : 你 們 愚 昧 人 喜 愛 愚 昧 , 褻 慢 人 喜 歡 褻 慢 , 愚 頑 人 恨 惡 知 識 , 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?
23 你 們 當 因 我 的 責 備 回 轉 ; 我 要 將 我 的 靈 澆 灌 你 們 , 將 我 的 話 指 示 你 們 。
24 我 呼 喚 , 你 們 不 肯 聽 從 ; 我 伸 手 , 無 人 理 會 ;
25 反 輕 棄 我 一 切 的 勸 戒 , 不 肯 受 我 的 責 備 。
26 你 們 遭 災 難 , 我 就 發 笑 ; 驚 恐 臨 到 你 們 , 我 必 嗤 笑 。
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