箴言 13:9

9 義 人 的 光 明 亮 ( 原 文 是 歡 喜 ) ; 惡 人 的 燈 要 熄 滅 . 。

箴言 13:9 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 13:9

The light of the righteous rejoiceth
The light of joy and gladness, which is sown for them, and arises to them; the light of spiritual knowledge and experience they have; the light of sound doctrine; the light of good works, and a Gospel conversation; all this, as it is delightful to themselves and others, so it is increasing more and more to the perfect day, and it continues: so the Septuagint and Arabic versions, "light [is] always for the righteous"; especially it will be in the latter day, and particularly in the New Jerusalem state, when there will be no night, ( Revelation 21:23-25 ) ; but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out;
the light of the righteous is like that of the sun, bright and pleasant; but the light of the wicked is like that of a lamp, lesser and not so agreeable, nor will it last; their prosperity is short lived, their joy is but for a moment; the pleasures of sin are but for a season; their candle soon goes out; it is put out in obscure darkness, and they themselves are reserved to blackness of darkness, ( Job 18:5 Job 18:6 ) ( 20:5 ) ( Proverbs 20:20 ) ; as prosperous and flourishing as the kingdom of antichrist has been or is, it will be full of darkness, ( Revelation 16:12 ) .

箴言 13:9 In-Context

7 假 作 富 足 的 , 卻 一 無 所 有 ; 裝 作 窮 乏 的 , 卻 廣 有 財 物 。
8 人 的 資 財 是 他 生 命 的 贖 價 ; 窮 乏 人 卻 聽 不 見 威 嚇 的 話 。
9 義 人 的 光 明 亮 ( 原 文 是 歡 喜 ) ; 惡 人 的 燈 要 熄 滅 . 。
10 驕 傲 只 啟 爭 競 ; 聽 勸 言 的 , 卻 有 智 慧 。
11 不 勞 而 得 之 財 必 然 消 耗 ; 勤 勞 積 蓄 的 , 必 見 加 增 。
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