箴言 2:10

10 智 慧 必 入 你 心 ; 你 的 靈 要 以 知 識 為 美 。

箴言 2:10 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 2:10

When wisdom entereth into thine heart
Either Christ, the Wisdom of God; who enters there at conversion, and sets up a throne in the heart, and dwells there by faith: or else the Gospel, the wisdom of God in a mystery; which enters not into the head only, as in hypocrites and formal professors; nor into the natural affections, as in the stony ground hearers; but into the heart, opened by the Spirit of God to receive it, so as to have a spiritual understanding of it; which is done when the Gospel comes not in word only, but in the demonstration and power of the Spirit; when a man truly understands it, approves of it, loves it, believes it; and it has a place in his heart, and richly dwells there; and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;
which the Gospel thus entering gives; even the knowledge of God in Christ, as the God of all grace, as gracious and merciful, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the knowledge of Christ, as the only Redeemer and Saviour; and the knowledge of Gospel truths, which lead and relate unto him: all which is pleasant to a gracious soul, and affords unspeakable delight to the mind; and is sweeter, as every truth of the Gospel is, than the honey or the honeycomb; see ( Proverbs 16:24 ) .

箴言 2:10 In-Context

8 為 要 保 守 公 平 人 的 路 , 護 庇 虔 敬 人 的 道 。
9 你 也 必 明 白 仁 義 、 公 平 、 正 直 、 一 切 的 善 道 。
10 智 慧 必 入 你 心 ; 你 的 靈 要 以 知 識 為 美 。
11 謀 略 必 護 衛 你 ; 聰 明 必 保 守 你 ,
12 要 救 你 脫 離 惡 道 ( 或 譯 : 惡 人 的 道 ) , 脫 離 說 乖 謬 話 的 人 。
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