箴言 2:13

13 那 等 人 捨 棄 正 直 的 路 , 行 走 黑 暗 的 道 ,

箴言 2:13 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 2:13

Who leave the paths of uprightness
Or "righteousness", or the "right [and plain] ways" F21; which the light of nature and the law of God, and especially the Gospel of Christ, direct to; and in which they have been trained up, having had a religious education; for it supposes them to have been externally in these ways, since they are said to leave them; for though persons do not easily and ordinarily leave the ways they have been brought up in, yet sometimes they do; and there are instances of it, and such generally are the worst of men; to walk in the ways of darkness:
sin, ignorance, and infidelity; in which they that walk know not where they are, nor whither they are a going, and which must be very uncomfortable as well as dangerous; in which only works of darkness are done, and which lead to blackness of darkness, the darkness of hell; a miserable choice, a sad change this! So Schultens renders it, "ways of horrid darkness".


F21 (rvy twxra) "semitas rectas", Mercerus; "itinera recta", Piscator; "itinera planissima", Schultens.

箴言 2:13 In-Context

11 謀 略 必 護 衛 你 ; 聰 明 必 保 守 你 ,
12 要 救 你 脫 離 惡 道 ( 或 譯 : 惡 人 的 道 ) , 脫 離 說 乖 謬 話 的 人 。
13 那 等 人 捨 棄 正 直 的 路 , 行 走 黑 暗 的 道 ,
14 歡 喜 作 惡 , 喜 愛 惡 人 的 乖 僻 ,
15 在 他 們 的 道 中 彎 曲 , 在 他 們 的 路 上 偏 僻 。
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