腓立比书 2:14

14 凡 所 行 的 , 都 不 要 发 怨 言 , 起 争 论 ,

腓立比书 2:14 Meaning and Commentary

Philippians 2:14

Do all things
Not evil things, these are to be abhorred, shunned, and avoided, even all appearance of them, they are not to be done, even the sake of good; nor all indifferent things at all times, and under all circumstances, when the peace and edification of others are in danger of being hurt by so doing; but all good things, all that are agreeable to the righteous law and good will of God; all those good things which accompany salvation, as hearing the word, and attendance on ordinances: all church affairs relating to public worship, private conference, everything at church meetings, and which concern the discipline and laws of Christ's house; and all things that are civilly, morally, spiritually, and evangelically good; even all things that God would have done, or we would desire should be done to us by fellow creatures and fellow Christians: let all these be done

without murmurings;
either against God and Christ, as if anything hard and severe was enjoined, when Christ's yoke is easy, and his burden light, ( Matthew 11:30 ) , and none of his commands grievous; and because their presence is not always enjoyed, and that communion and comfort in ordinances had, which may be desired: or against the ministers of the Gospel, in whose power it is not to give grace, comfort, and spiritual refreshment; any more than it was in Moses and Aaron to give bread and water to the Israelites in the wilderness, for which they murmured against them, and in so doing against God himself, ( Exodus 16:2 Exodus 16:7 ) ; or against one another, because of superior enjoyment in nature, providence, and grace; but all things, both of a moral, civil, and religious nature, with respect to God, and one another, should be done readily, freely, cheerfully, and heartily; and also without

or "without hesitations", as the Vulgate Latin, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions render it. Whatever appears to be agreeable to the will of God, should be done at once without dispute upon it, or hesitation about it, however disagreeable it may be to carnal sense and reason; the will of God is not to be disputed, nor flesh and blood to be consulted, in opposition to it; nor should the saints enter into any carnal reasonings, and contentious disputations, either at their public or private meetings, but do all they do decently, and in order, and in the exercise of brotherly love.

腓立比书 2:14 In-Context

12 这 样 看 来 , 我 亲 爱 的 弟 兄 , 你 们 既 是 常 顺 服 的 , 不 但 我 在 你 们 那 里 , 就 是 我 如 今 不 在 你 们 那 里 , 更 是 顺 服 的 , 就 当 恐 惧 战 兢 做 成 你 们 得 救 的 工 夫 。
13 因 为 你 们 立 志 行 事 都 是 神 在 你 们 心 里 运 行 , 为 要 成 就 他 的 美 意 。
14 凡 所 行 的 , 都 不 要 发 怨 言 , 起 争 论 ,
15 使 你 们 无 可 指 摘 , 诚 实 无 伪 , 在 这 弯 曲 悖 谬 的 世 代 作 神 无 瑕 疵 的 儿 女 。 你 们 显 在 这 世 代 中 , 好 像 明 光 照 耀 ,
16 将 生 命 的 道 表 明 出 来 , 叫 我 在 基 督 的 日 子 好 夸 我 没 有 空 跑 , 也 没 有 徒 劳 。
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