腓立比书 3:11

11 或 者 我 也 得 以 从 死 里 复 活 。

腓立比书 3:11 Meaning and Commentary

Philippians 3:11

If by any means I, might attain unto the resurrection of
the dead.
] Not in a figurative sense, the resurrection from the death of sin to a life of grace, of which Christ is the efficient cause, for this the apostle had attained to; unless the consummation of that spiritual life, in perfect holiness, should be intended, than which nothing was more desirable by him; nor in a representative sense, for this also he enjoyed in Christ his head, being risen with him, and in him, when he rose from the dead; but in a literal sense and designs not the general resurrection of the just and unjust, which he believed; for he knew that everyone must, and will attain to this, even Pharaoh, Judas, and the worst of men; but the special and particular resurrection of the righteous, the better resurrection, which will be first, and upon the personal coming of Christ, and by virtue of union to him, and in a glorious manner, and to everlasting life and happiness: and when the apostle says, "if by any means" he might attain to this, it is not to be understood as if he doubted of it, which would be inconsistent with his firm persuasion, that nothing should separate him from the love of God, and with his full assurance of faith, as to interest in Jesus Christ; but it denotes the difficulty of attaining it, since through various afflictions and great tribulations a believer must pass, before he comes to it; and also the apostle's earnest desire of it, and strenuous endeavour for it; not caring what scenes of trouble, or sea of sorrow what fiery trials, severe sufferings, or cruel death he went through, so be it he obtained as he believed he should, the glorious and better resurrection; he counted not his life dear to himself, he loved it not unto death, having in view the blissful and happy state after it.

腓立比书 3:11 In-Context

9 并 且 得 以 在 他 里 面 , 不 是 有 自 己 因 律 法 而 得 的 义 , 乃 是 有 信 基 督 的 义 , 就 是 因 信 神 而 来 的 义 ,
10 使 我 认 识 基 督 , 晓 得 他 复 活 的 大 能 , 并 且 晓 得 和 他 一 同 受 苦 , 效 法 他 的 死 ,
11 或 者 我 也 得 以 从 死 里 复 活 。
12 这 不 是 说 我 已 经 得 着 了 , 已 经 完 全 了 ; 我 乃 是 竭 力 追 求 , 或 者 可 以 得 着 基 督 耶 稣 所 以 得 着 我 的 ( 或 作 : 所 要 我 得 的 ) 。
13 弟 兄 们 , 我 不 是 以 为 自 己 已 经 得 着 了 ; 我 只 有 一 件 事 , 就 是 忘 记 背 後 , 努 力 面 前 的 ,
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