哥林多前书 1:5

5 又 因 你 们 在 他 里 面 凡 事 富 足 , 口 才 、 知 识 都 全 备 ,

哥林多前书 1:5 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 1:5

That in everything ye are enriched by him
This is still a continuation of the thanksgiving for this church, that they were "enriched", or plentifully and abundantly provided for by Christ, with all grace, with all the riches of grace; with his own unsearchable riches, of which they were made partakers, and the riches of glory, to which they were entitled by him; and all which come to them through his poverty, which makes his grace in the donation of these riches the more illustrious: and particularly the apostle is thankful, that they were enriched by Christ

in all utterance, and in all knowledge;
that not only they had the knowledge of the truths and doctrines of the Gospel, concerning the person, offices, grace, and righteousness of Christ in the theory of them, or a speculative notion of them; but for the most part had a spiritual experimental knowledge of these things; and many of them had such large gifts of knowledge, elocution, and utterance, that they were richly qualified to preach the Gospel to others; nay, even had the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, so as to speak with divers tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

哥林多前书 1:5 In-Context

3 愿 恩 惠 、 平 安 从 神 我 们 的 父 并 主 耶 稣 基 督 归 与 你 们 。
4 我 常 为 你 们 感 谢 我 的 神 , 因 神 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 所 赐 给 你 们 的 恩 惠 ;
5 又 因 你 们 在 他 里 面 凡 事 富 足 , 口 才 、 知 识 都 全 备 ,
6 正 如 我 为 基 督 作 的 见 证 , 在 你 们 心 里 得 以 坚 固 ,
7 以 致 你 们 在 恩 赐 上 没 有 一 样 不 及 人 的 , 等 候 我 们 的 主 耶 稣 基 督 显 现 。
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