提摩太前书 6:15

15 到 了 日 期 , 那 可 称 颂 、 独 有 权 能 的 万 王 之 王 、 万 主 之 主 ,

提摩太前书 6:15 Meaning and Commentary

1 Timothy 6:15

Which in his times he shall show
For though the time of Christ's appearing is unknown, yet the thing itself is certain; God will bring it about, and make it manifest in his own time, in the time that is fixed and appointed by him; and which is only known unto him, and which he keeps in his own power, and has reserved in his own breast:

who is the blessed;
the Syriac version reads, "the blessed God"; who is blessed in himself, in his Son and Spirit, in the perfections of his nature; who is God all-sufficient, has enough in himself for himself, and for all his creatures; who is the fountain and the author of all blessedness, temporal, spiritual, and eternal, which any of them are, or shall be possessed of:

and only Potentate;
or Governor of the whole world, which can be said of none but himself: he is the Governor among the nations, and over all the nations of the earth; his kingdom rules over all other kingdoms; and he has his power and government from himself, whereas all other potentates have their power from him, as follows:

the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
from whom they receive their sceptres, crowns, and kingdoms; by whom they reign, and are continued in their power; for he sets up kings, and removes kings at his pleasure, and to him they must be accountable for all their administrations another day; and at present they are under his influence, and at his control; he has their hearts, and their counsels, as well as kingdoms, in his hands, and under his overruling providence; and causes all to answer his wise and eternal purposes. These titles are used by the Jews, who style him, (Myklmh lk le Klm Mynwdah lk Nwda) , "Lord of all lords, King over all kings" F19. The same name is given to Christ, ( Revelation 19:16 ) which shows him to be equal with the Father.


F19 Zohar in Numb. fol. 100. 2.

提摩太前书 6:15 In-Context

13 我 在 叫 万 物 生 活 的 神 面 前 , 并 在 向 本 丢 彼 拉 多 作 过 那 美 好 见 证 的 基 督 耶 稣 面 前 嘱 咐 你 :
14 要 守 这 命 令 , 毫 不 玷 污 , 无 可 指 责 , 直 到 我 们 的 主 耶 稣 基 督 显 现 。
15 到 了 日 期 , 那 可 称 颂 、 独 有 权 能 的 万 王 之 王 、 万 主 之 主 ,
16 就 是 那 独 一 不 死 、 住 在 人 不 能 靠 近 的 光 里 , 是 人 未 曾 看 见 、 也 是 不 能 看 见 的 , 要 将 他 显 明 出 来 。 但 愿 尊 贵 和 永 远 的 权 能 都 归 给 他 。 阿 们 !
17 你 要 嘱 咐 那 些 今 世 富 足 的 人 , 不 要 自 高 , 也 不 要 倚 靠 无 定 的 钱 财 ; 只 要 倚 靠 那 厚 赐 百 物 给 我 们 享 受 的 神 。

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