耶利米书 17:6

6 因 他 必 像 沙 漠 的 杜 松 , 不 见 福 乐 来 到 , 却 要 住 旷 野 乾 旱 之 处 , 无 人 居 住 的 硷 地 。

耶利米书 17:6 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 17:6

For he shall be like the heath in the desert
The Vulgate Latin version renders it, "myrice": and so the Latin interpreter of the Targum; but the word that paraphrase makes use of according to R. Hai, mentioned by Kimchi, signifies something that is thorny without, and eatable within; but this is not likely to be intended here. The Septuagint version renders it, "wild myrice"; it seems to be the same that is called "erice", or "ling", and "heath"; which delights to grow in wild and waste places; hence such with us are called "heaths", whether this grows upon them or not. It is a low shrub, fruitless and useless; and, because neither bears fruit nor seed, is reckoned by Pliny F15 among unhappy plants, and such as are condemned or forbid religious uses; and very fit to represent such persons as truest in men and in themselves, and not in the Lord: and shall not see when good cometh;
perceive or receive any advantage by rain coming upon it; as such persons do not receive any good by the pure ministration of the word, compared to rain; and so the self-righteous Jews did not see when the Messiah came, who is goodness itself; nor see him, and embrace him, nor his righteousness; but rejected him and that; went about to establish their own, and did not submit to his; nor did they attain to righteousness, or enjoy eternal life; as is the case of all self-justiciaries: but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land,
and not inhabited:
which became literally true of the land of Judea, for the rejection of the Messiah, and trust in themselves; see ( Deuteronomy 29:23 ) and may fitly represent the barren pastures of a man's own works of righteousness, which such as trust in themselves feed upon. All the characters are expressive of barrenness, as a wilderness, places parched with heat, and where salt is; for, as Pliny F16 says, where salt is found, it is barren, and produces nothing.


F15 Nat. Hist. l. 13. c. 21. & l. 16. c. 26. & l. 24. c. 9.
F16 Nat. Hist. l. 31. c. 7.

耶利米书 17:6 In-Context

4 并 且 你 因 自 己 的 罪 必 失 去 我 所 赐 给 你 的 产 业 。 我 也 必 使 你 在 你 所 不 认 识 的 地 上 服 事 你 的 仇 敌 ; 因 为 你 使 我 怒 中 起 火 , 直 烧 到 永 远 。
5 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 倚 靠 人 血 肉 的 膀 臂 , 心 中 离 弃 耶 和 华 的 , 那 人 有 祸 了 !
6 因 他 必 像 沙 漠 的 杜 松 , 不 见 福 乐 来 到 , 却 要 住 旷 野 乾 旱 之 处 , 无 人 居 住 的 硷 地 。
7 倚 靠 耶 和 华 、 以 耶 和 华 为 可 靠 的 , 那 人 有 福 了 !
8 他 必 像 树 栽 於 水 旁 , 在 河 边 扎 根 , 炎 热 来 到 , 并 不 惧 怕 , 叶 子 仍 必 青 翠 , 在 乾 旱 之 年 毫 无 挂 虑 , 而 且 结 果 不 止 。
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