Deuteronomy 2:11

11 Like the Anakites, they too were considered Rephaites, but the Moabites called them Emites.

Deuteronomy 2:11 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
11 Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.
English Standard Version (ESV)
11 Like the Anakim they are also counted as Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim.
New Living Translation (NLT)
11 Both the Emites and the Anakites are also known as the Rephaites, though the Moabites call them Emites.
The Message Bible (MSG)
11 Along with the Anakites they were lumped in with the Rephaites (Ghosts) but in Moab they were called Emites.
American Standard Version (ASV)
11 these also are accounted Rephaim, as the Anakim; but the Moabites call them Emim.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
11 They were thought to be Rephaim, like the people of Anak, but the Moabites called them Emites.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
11 They were also regarded as Rephaim, like the Anakim, though the Moabites called them Emim.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
11 Like the Anakites, they too were thought of as Rephaites. But the Moabites called them Emites.

Deuteronomy 2:11 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 2:11

Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims
Because of their bulky size and tall stature; or,

``the Rephaim were they accounted, even they as the Anakims;''

they were reckoned Rephaim, a name for giants in early times, even as the Anakims were; see ( Genesis 14:5 )

but the Moabites called them Emims;
to distinguish them from the Rephaim; so that it seems this name of Emims was not originally their name, but they are called so by a prolepsis, or anticipation, in ( Genesis 14:5 ) since they had it from the Moabites, a people of a later date.

Deuteronomy 2:11 In-Context

9 Then the LORD said to me, “Do not harass the Moabites or provoke them to war, for I will not give you any part of their land. I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot as a possession.”
10 (The Emites used to live there—a people strong and numerous, and as tall as the Anakites.
11 Like the Anakites, they too were considered Rephaites, but the Moabites called them Emites.
12 Horites used to live in Seir, but the descendants of Esau drove them out. They destroyed the Horites from before them and settled in their place, just as Israel did in the land the LORD gave them as their possession.)
13 And the LORD said, “Now get up and cross the Zered Valley.” So we crossed the valley.

Cross References 1

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