Deuteronomy 21:2

2 your elders and judges shall go out and measure the distance from the body to the neighboring towns.

Deuteronomy 21:2 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
2 Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him that is slain:
English Standard Version (ESV)
2 then your elders and your judges shall come out, and they shall measure the distance to the surrounding cities.
New Living Translation (NLT)
2 In such a case, your elders and judges must measure the distance from the site of the crime to the nearby towns.
The Message Bible (MSG)
2 your leaders and judges are to go out and measure the distance from the body to the nearest cities.
American Standard Version (ASV)
2 then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him that is slain:
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
2 your leaders and judges must go and measure the distance from the body to each of the neighboring cities.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
2 your elders and judges must come out and measure [the distance] from the victim to the nearby cities.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
2 Then your elders and judges will go out and measure how far it is from the body to the nearby towns.

Deuteronomy 21:2 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 21:2

Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth
From the city or cities near to which the murder was committed, to make inquiry about it, and expiation for it; so Aben Ezra interprets it of the elders of the cities near, but others understand it of the elders of the great sanhedrim at Jerusalem; so the Targum of Jonathan,

``then shall go out from the great sanhedrim two of thy wise men, and three of thy judges;''

and more expressly the Misnah F12,

``three go out from the great sanhedrim in Jerusalem;''

R. Judah says five,

``it is said "thy elders" two, and "thy judges" two,''

and there is no sanhedrim or court of judicature equal (or even), therefore they add to them one more:

and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him that
is slain;
that is, from the place where the slain lies, as Jarchi rightly interprets it; on all sides of it, from the four corner's, as the Targum of Jonathan, the cities round about the slain. Maimonides


F13 says, they do not behead the heifer for, nor measure, but to a city in which there is a sanhedrim: if it is found between two cities (that is, at an equal distance), both bring two heifers (Maimonides F14 says they bring one between them, which is most reasonable); but the city of Jerusalem does not bring an heifer to be beheaded: the reason is, because it was not divided to the tribes F15. This measuring, one would think, should be only necessary when it was not certain which was the nearest city; and yet Maimonides F16 says, even when it was found on the side of a city, which was certainly known to be nearest, they measured; the command, he observes, is to measure.

F12 Sotah, c. 9. sect. 1.
F13 Hilchot Rotzeach, c. 9. sect. 4.
F14 Ib. sect. 8.
F15 Maimon Hilchot Rotzeachs, c. 9. sect. 8.
F16 lb. c. 9. sect. 1.

Deuteronomy 21:2 In-Context

1 If someone is found slain, lying in a field in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess, and it is not known who the killer was,
2 your elders and judges shall go out and measure the distance from the body to the neighboring towns.
3 Then the elders of the town nearest the body shall take a heifer that has never been worked and has never worn a yoke
4 and lead it down to a valley that has not been plowed or planted and where there is a flowing stream. There in the valley they are to break the heifer’s neck.
5 The Levitical priests shall step forward, for the LORD your God has chosen them to minister and to pronounce blessings in the name of the LORD and to decide all cases of dispute and assault.
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