Deuteronomy 32:38

38 the gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up to help you! Let them give you shelter!

Deuteronomy 32:38 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.
English Standard Version (ESV)
38 who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them rise up and help you; let them be your protection!
New Living Translation (NLT)
38 Where now are those gods, who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their offerings? Let those gods arise and help you! Let them provide you with shelter!
The Message Bible (MSG)
38 The gods who feasted on the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink-offerings? Let them show their stuff and help you, let them give you a hand!
American Standard Version (ASV)
38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, [And] drank the wine of their drink-offering? Let them rise up and help you, Let them be your protection.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
38 Where are the gods who ate the fat from their sacrifices and drank the wine from their wine offerings? Let them come to help you! Let them be your refuge!"
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
38 Who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up and help you; let it be a shelter for you.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
38 Where are the gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices? Where are the gods who drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up to help you! Let them keep you safe!

Deuteronomy 32:38 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 32:38

Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, [and] drank the
wine of their drink offerings
Alluding to the fat of the sacrifices under the law, which was claimed by the Lord as his, and represented as his food, ( Leviticus 3:11 Leviticus 3:16 ) ; and to the drink offerings of wine, which were of a sweet savour to God, and with respect to which wine is said to cheer him, ( Numbers 15:7 ) ( Judges 9:13 ) . Now New Testament worship and services are here expressed in Old Testament language, which is not unusual; see ( Isaiah 56:7 ) ( 66:20-23 ) ; and signify the best of the sacrifices and services of true believers in Christ, presenting their souls and bodies unto him as a holy, living, acceptable sacrifice, which is but their reasonable service; offering their sacrifices of prayer and praise unto him through Christ; doing all good works in his name and strength, and all acts of beneficence in love to him and his people, with which sacrifices he is well pleased; yea, cheerfully laying down their lives as victims in his cause, when called unto it. Now these words are a taunt at the Protestant doctrine of the acceptance of the service and sacrifices of believers in Christ, through him, and for his sake, and not for any merit or worthiness in them:

let them rise up and help you;
their God and their rock, Jehovah the Father, their covenant God, and his Son the rock of their salvation, in whom they trust; and so they will arise and help them in this time of extreme distress; though they may seem as asleep, and to take no notice of the sad estate of saints, they will arise in wrath and indignation at their enemies, and deliver them out of their hands; the Spirit of life from God shall be sent to bring to life the slain witnesses, and Christ will rise up in the exertion of his kingly power; he will take to himself his great power, and reign, and destroy them that destroyeth the earth, ( Revelation 11:11 Revelation 11:17 Revelation 11:18 ) ;

[and] be your protection;
or "let him be your hiding place" F24; that is, the rock in whom they trusted, and so he is, and will be "an hiding place the wind, and a covert from the storm", ( Isaiah 32:2 ) ; not only from the wrath and justice of God, but from the rage and fury of men; Christ will protect and defend his people against all their enemies, and in his own time will deliver them from them; who, in answer to these taunts and derisions, rises up, and thus he says, as follows.


F24 (hrto) "absconsio", Pagninus, Montanus; "latibulum", Tigurine version; "latebra", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.

Deuteronomy 32:38 In-Context

36 The LORD will vindicate his people and relent concerning his servants when he sees their strength is gone and no one is left, slave or free.
37 He will say: “Now where are their gods, the rock they took refuge in,
38 the gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings? Let them rise up to help you! Let them give you shelter!
39 “See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.
40 I lift my hand to heaven and solemnly swear: As surely as I live forever,

Cross References 1

  • 1. Numbers 25:1-2; Jeremiah 11:12; Jeremiah 44:8,25
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