Hesekiel 3:17

17 Menschensohn, ich habe dich dem Hause Israel zum Wächter gesetzt; und du sollst das Wort aus meinem Munde hören und sie von meinetwegen warnen.

Hesekiel 3:17 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 3:17

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of
Not in a civil sense, a watchman of a town or city, or of the whole country, but in an ecclesiastical sense. So the Targum renders it by (Pylm) , "a teacher"; whose business it was to instruct the people in divine things, to warn them of their evil ways, and of the danger they exposed them to; such were the prophets of old, and such are the ministers of the New Testament: the office is the same with that of bishops or overseers; and lies in watching over the souls of men, as shepherds over their flocks, that they go into right pastures, and not astray, and so preserves them from beasts of prey; and as watchmen of cities, to give the time of night, and, notice of approaching danger; to the discharge of which office are necessary quick sight, diligence in looking out, sobriety and vigilance, courage, constancy, and faithfulness: and they are "sons of men" that are put into this office, and not angels; sons of fallen Adam, sinful men; men subject to infirmity, weak, frail, mortal men, and oftentimes of a mean and low extraction, and greatly unworthy of so high an honour; but Christ counts them faithful, and puts them into this office; they are not made and constituted watchmen or ministers by themselves or by others, but by him; and they are given by him as such to the church of God: "son of man, I have given thee a watchman" F20 they become watchmen through gifts bestowed upon them, qualifying them for this office; and they themselves are gifts to the churches over whom they are placed, signified by "the house of Israel"; for a church is a house of Christ's building, and where he dwells, and a family named of him, which he takes care of, and consists of Israelites indeed; therefore hear the word at my mouth;
for, as the prophets of old, so the ministers of the Gospel are first to hear what Christ says; and then deliver out his doctrine, called the doctrine of Christ, and the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus. So the Targum,

``and thou shalt receive the word from my Word;''
the word of prophecy, or the word of the Gospel, from Christ the essential Word; and give them warning from me;
in his name and stead, and as from his mouth, to take care of sinning against him, dishonouring his name, and wounding their own souls; that they live soberly, righteously, and godly, and adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour; that they avoid all appearances of evil, and shun the company of wicked men; the house of Israel, or church of God, are to be warned to be careful who they take into their communion, and to exclude such that are bad in principle and practice; to beware of innovations in worship, and of false teachers and false doctrines; and that they do not forsake the word, worship, and ordinances of God's house, but fill up their places, and perform all duties incumbent on them. The Targum is,
``and thou shalt warn them from sinning before me.''


F20 (Kyttn hpu) "speculatorem dedi", V. L. Polanus, Cocceius, Starckius. So Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.

Hesekiel 3:17 In-Context

15 Und ich kam nach Tel-Abib zu den Weggeführten, die am Flusse Kebar wohnten; und daselbst, wo sie saßen, dort saß ich sieben Tage betäubt in ihrer Mitte.
16 Und es geschah am Ende von sieben Tagen, da geschah das Wort Jehovas zu mir also:
17 Menschensohn, ich habe dich dem Hause Israel zum Wächter gesetzt; und du sollst das Wort aus meinem Munde hören und sie von meinetwegen warnen.
18 Wenn ich zu dem Gesetzlosen spreche: Du sollst gewißlich sterben! und du warnst ihn nicht und redest nicht, um den Gesetzlosen vor seinem gesetzlosen Wege zu warnen, um ihn am Leben zu erhalten, so wird er, der Gesetzlose, wegen seiner Ungerechtigkeit sterben, aber sein Blut werde ich von deiner Hand fordern.
19 Wenn du aber den Gesetzlosen warnst, und er kehrt nicht um von seiner Gesetzlosigkeit und von seinem gesetzlosen Wege, so wird er wegen seiner Ungerechtigkeit sterben; du aber hast deine Seele errettet.
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