Offenbarung 16

1 Und ich hörte eine laute Stimme aus dem Tempel zu den sieben Engeln sagen: Gehet hin und gießet die sieben Schalen des Grimmes Gottes aus auf die Erde.
2 Und der erste ging hin und goß seine Schale aus auf die Erde; und es kam ein böses und schlimmes Geschwür an die Menschen, welche das Malzeichen des Tieres hatten und die sein Bild anbeteten.
3 Und der zweite goß seine Schale aus auf das Meer; und es wurde zu Blut, wie von einem Toten, und jede lebendige Seele starb, alles was in dem Meere war.
4 Und der dritte goß seine Schale aus auf die Ströme und auf die Wasserquellen, und sie wurden zu Blut.
5 Und ich hörte den Engel der Wasser sagen: Du bist gerecht, der da ist und der da war, der Heilige, daß du also gerichtet hast.
6 Denn Blut von Heiligen und Propheten haben sie vergossen, und Blut hast du ihnen zu trinken gegeben; sie sind es wert.
7 Und ich hörte den Altar sagen: Ja, Herr, Gott, Allmächtiger, wahrhaftig und gerecht sind deine Gerichte.
8 Und der vierte goß seine Schale aus auf die Sonne; und es wurde ihr gegeben, die Menschen mit Feuer zu versengen.
9 Und die Menschen wurden von großer Hitze versengt und lästerten den Namen Gottes, der über diese Plagen Gewalt hat, und taten nicht Buße, ihm Ehre zu geben.
10 Und der fünfte goß seine Schale aus auf den Thron des Tieres; und sein Reich wurde verfinstert; und sie zerbissen ihre Zungen vor Pein
11 und lästerten den Gott des Himmels wegen ihrer Pein und wegen ihrer Geschwüre, und taten nicht Buße von ihren Werken.
12 Und der sechste goß seine Schale aus auf den großen Strom Euphrat; und sein Wasser vertrocknete, auf daß der Weg der Könige bereitet würde, die von Sonnenaufgang herkommen.
13 Und ich sah aus dem Munde des Drachen und aus dem Munde des Tieres und aus dem Munde des falschen Propheten drei unreine Geister kommen, wie Frösche;
14 denn es sind Geister von Dämonen, die Zeichen tun, welche zu den Königen des ganzen Erdkreises ausgehen, sie zu versammeln zu dem Kriege jenes großen Tages Gottes, des Allmächtigen.
15 (Siehe, ich komme wie ein Dieb. Glückselig, der da wacht und seine Kleider bewahrt, auf daß er nicht nackt wandle und man seine Schande sehe!)
16 Und er versammelte sie an den Ort, der auf hebräisch Armagedon heißt.
17 Und der siebte goß seine Schale aus in die Luft; und es ging eine laute Stimme aus von dem Tempel des Himmels , von dem Throne, welche sprach:
18 Es ist geschehen. Und es geschahen Blitze und Stimmen und Donner; und ein großes Erdbeben geschah, desgleichen nicht geschehen ist, seitdem die Menschen auf der Erde waren, solch ein Erdbeben, so groß.
19 Und die große Stadt wurde in drei Teile geteilt, und die Städte der Nationen fielen, und die große Babylon kam ins Gedächtnis vor Gott, ihr den Kelch des Weines des Grimmes seines Zornes zu geben.
20 Und jede Insel entfloh, und Berge wurden nicht gefunden.
21 Und große Hagelsteine, wie ein Talent schwer, fallen aus dem Himmel auf die Menschen hernieder; und die Menschen lästerten Gott wegen der Plage des Hagels, denn seine Plage ist sehr groß.

Offenbarung 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

The first vial is poured out on the earth, the second on the sea, the third on the rivers and fountains. (1-7) The fourth on the sun, the fifth on the seat of the beast. (8-11) The sixth on the great river Euphrates. (12-16) And the seventh on the air, when shall follow the destruction of all antichristian enemies. (17-21)

Verses 1-7 We are to pray that the will of God may be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Here is a succession of terrible judgments of Providence; and there seems to be an allusion to several of the plagues of Egypt. The sins were alike, and so were the punishments. The vials refer to the seven trumpets, which represented the rise of antichrist; and the fall of the enemies of the church shall bear some resemblance to their rise. All things throughout their earth, their air, their sea, their rivers, their cities, all are condemned to ruin, all accursed for the wickedness of that people. No wonder that angels, who witness or execute the Divine vengeance on the obstinate haters of God, of Christ, and of holiness, praise his justice and truth; and adore his awful judgments, when he brings upon cruel persecutors the tortures they made his saints and prophets suffer.

Verses 8-11 The heart of man is so desperately wicked, that the most severe miseries never will bring any to repent, without the special grace of God. Hell itself is filled with blasphemies; and those are ignorant of the history of human nature, of the Bible, and of their own hearts, who do not know that the more men suffer, and the more plainly they see the hand of God in their sufferings, the more furiously they often rage against him. Let sinners now seek repentance from Christ, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, or they will have the anguish and horror of an unhumbled, impenitent, and desperate heart; thus adding to their guilt and misery through all eternity. Darkness is opposed to wisdom and knowledge, and forebodes the confusion and folly of the idolaters and followers of the beast. It is opposed to pleasure and joy, and signifies anguish and vexation of spirit.

Verses 12-16 This probably shows the destruction of the Turkish power, and of idolatry, and that a way will be made for the return of the Jews. Or, take it for Rome, as mystical Babylon, the name of Babylon being put for Rome, which was meant, but was not then to be directly named. When Rome is destroyed, her river and merchandise must suffer with her. And perhaps a way will be opened for the eastern nations to come into the church of Christ. The great dragon will collect all his forces, to make one desperate struggle before all be lost. God warns of this great trial, to engage his people to prepare for it. These will be times of great temptation; therefore Christ, by his apostle, calls on his professed servants to expect his sudden coming, and to watch that they might not be put to shame, as apostates or hypocrites. However Christians differ, as to their views of the times and seasons of events yet to be brought to pass, on this one point all are agreed, Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, will suddenly come again to judge the world. To those living near to Christ, it is an object of joyful hope and expectation, and delay is not desired by them.

Verses 17-21 The seventh and last angel poured forth his vial, and the downfal of Babylon was finished. The church triumphant in heaven saw it and rejoiced; the church in conflict on earth saw it and became triumphant. God remembered the great and wicked city; though for some time he seemed to have forgotten her idolatry and cruelty. All that was most secure was carried away by the ruin. Men blasphemed: the greatest judgments that can befal men, will not bring to repentance without the grace of God. To be hardened against God, by his righteous judgments, is a certain token of sure and utter destruction.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of the pouring out of the seven vials by the angels; their orders for it are in Re 16:1. The first angel pours out his vial on the earth, the effect of which is a noisome and grievous sore upon the followers of antichrist, and the worshippers of his image, Re 16:2. The second pours out his upon the sea; the events of it are, the sea became blood, and every living creature in it died, Re 16:3. The third pours out his upon the rivers and fountains of water, which thereby became blood; upon which the angel of the waters applauds the justice of God, declaring the righteousness of his judgments, and giving a reason for it; and which is confirmed by another angel from the altar, Re 16:4-7. The fourth angel pours out his vial on the sun, the effects of which are, scorching men with heat, their blasphemy against God, and impenitence, Re 16:8,9. The fifth pours out his on the seat of the beast, the consequences of which are darkness in his kingdom, men gnawing their tongues because of their pains, their blasphemy of the name of God because of them, and their impenitence, Re 16:10,11. The sixth angel pours out his on the river Euphrates, and what followed upon it are, the drying up of that river to make way for the kings of the east; there unclean spirits are seen, described by their original, coming out of the mouths of the dragon, beast, and false prophet; by their form, like frogs; by their internal nature, spirits of devils; by their works, doing miracles; by the errand they are sent, and go upon, to gather the kings of the earth to the battle of God Almighty, which they succeed in; but before this is done, a declaration is made of the suddenness of Christ's coming, exciting the saints to watchfulness, and to keep their garments, that they might not be naked, and exposed to shame, Re 16:12-16 Then the seventh angel pours out his vial into the air, the consequences of which are, a voice from heaven declaring it is done: other voices, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake; a rupture of the great city into three parts; the fall of other cities; the remembrance of Babylon before God; the flight of every island and mountain, and a great hail storm, which causes men to blaspheme God, Re 16:17-21.

Offenbarung 16 Commentaries

The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.