Exodus 21:5

5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’

Exodus 21:5 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
5 And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free:
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,'
New Living Translation (NLT)
5 But the slave may declare, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children. I don’t want to go free.’
The Message Bible (MSG)
5 But suppose the slave should say, 'I love my master and my wife and children - I don't want my freedom,'
American Standard Version (ASV)
5 But if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free:
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
5 But if he makes this statement: 'I hereby declare my love for my master, my wife, and my children. I don't want to leave as a free man,'
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
5 "But if the slave declares: 'I love my master, my wife, and my children; I do not want to leave as a free man,'
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
5 "But suppose the servant says, 'I love my master and my wife and children. I don't want to go free.'

Exodus 21:5 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 21:5

And if the servant shall plainly say
Or, "in saying shall say" F9 shall express himself in plain and full terms, and repeat his words, and abide by them, signifying it as his last will and determined resolution:

I love my master, my wife, and my children, and I will not go out free;
but continue in his servitude, having a great affection for his master, and that he might enjoy his wife and children he dearly loved; and being animated with such a principle, his servitude was a pleasure to him: and when our obedience to God springs from love to him, and to his cause and interest, which should be as dear to us as our families, it is then acceptable to God and delightful to ourselves; in ( Deuteronomy 15:16 ) ,

it is, because he loveth thee, and thine house, because he is well with
hence the Jewish writers say F11, understanding by "house" a family, if a servant has a wife and children and his master not, his ear is not to be bored; and if his master has a wife and children and he has not, his ear is not to be bored; if he loves his master and his master do not love him, or his master loves him and he do not love his master, or if he is sick his ear is not to be bored.


F9 (rmay rma)
F11 T. Bab. Kiddushin, fol. 22. 1. Maimon. in Misn. Kiddushin, c. 1. sect. 2.

Exodus 21:5 In-Context

3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him.
4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.
5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’
6 then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.
7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do.

Cross References 1

  • 1. Deuteronomy 15:16
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.