Compare Translations for Exodus 23:3

3 Do not show favoritism to a poor person in his lawsuit.
3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.
3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
3 And just because someone is poor, don't show favoritism in a dispute.
3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute.
3 and do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit.
3 You shall not show partiality to a poor man in his dispute.
3 And do not slant your testimony in favor of a person just because that person is poor.
3 nor shall you be partial to the poor in a lawsuit.
3 neither shalt thou favor a poor man in his cause.
3 But, on the other hand, do not be turned from what is right in order to give support to a poor man's cause.
3 But don't privilege unimportant people in their lawsuits either.
3 But don't privilege unimportant people in their lawsuits either.
3 On the other hand, don't favor a person's lawsuit simply because he is poor.
3 Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in his cause.
3 Und den Armen sollst du in seinem Rechtsstreit nicht begünstigen. -
3 Do not show partiality to a poor person at his trial.
3 Do not show partiality to a poor person at his trial.
3 Never give special favors to poor people in court.
3 neither shall you favor a poor man in his cause.
3 neither shalt thou honour a poor man in his cause.
3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
3 You will not be partial to a powerless [person] in his legal dispute.
3 Du sollst den Geringen nicht beschönigen in seiner Sache.
3 And thou shalt not spare a poor man in judgment.
3 If a poor person is in court, you must not take his side just because he is poor.
3 Do not show favor to a poor person in court.
3 nor shall you be partial to the poor in a lawsuit.
3 Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in judgment.
3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his suit.
3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his suit.
3 Ook zult gij den geringe niet voortrekken en zijn twistige zaak.
3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
3 nether shalt thou paynte a porre mans cause.
3 pauperis quoque non misereberis in negotio
3 pauperis quoque non misereberis in negotio
3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
3 neither shall you favor a poor man in his cause.
3 Also thou shalt not have mercy of a poor man in a cause, or doom. (And thou shalt not favour a poor person in his case, or in its judgement.)
3 and a poor man thou dost not honour in his strife.

Exodus 23:3 Commentaries