Ezekiel 35:5

5 “ ‘Because you harbored an ancient hostility and delivered the Israelites over to the sword at the time of their calamity, the time their punishment reached its climax,

Ezekiel 35:5 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
5 Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end:
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 Because you cherished perpetual enmity and gave over the people of Israel to the power of the sword at the time of their calamity, at the time of their final punishment,
New Living Translation (NLT)
5 “Your eternal hatred for the people of Israel led you to butcher them when they were helpless, when I had already punished them for all their sins.
The Message Bible (MSG)
5 "'I'm doing this because you've kept this age-old grudge going against Israel: You viciously attacked them when they were already down, looking their final punishment in the face.
American Standard Version (ASV)
5 Because thou hast had a perpetual enmity, and hast given over the children of Israel to the power of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time of the iniquity of the end;
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
5 "'You have always been an enemy of Israel. You deserted the people of Israel in battle when they were in trouble during their final punishment.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
5 "Because you maintained an ancient hatred and handed over the Israelites to the power of the sword in the time of their disaster, the time of final punishment,
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
5 " ' "People of Edom, you have been Israel's enemies for a long time. You let many Israelites be killed with swords when they were in great trouble. At that time I used Nebuchadnezzar to punish them and destroy them completely.

Ezekiel 35:5 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 35:5

Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred
There was an old grudge and enmity subsisting in the posterity of Esau against the posterity of Jacob, because the latter supplanted the former, and got the birthright and blessing from him; and which was discovered in all ages, and at all opportunities, and on all occasions which offered; and such has been the hatred of the church of Rome against the true professors and followers of Christ, as their bloody persecution of them in all ages have shown: and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the
sword in the time of their calamity:
when Jerusalem was taken by the Chaldeans, the Edomites not only rejoiced at it, and took part of the spoil, but stood in the crossways, and slew those that made their escape; or drove them back upon the sword of the enemy; or delivered them into their hands; which was barbarous and inhuman usage of their neighbours and brethren; see ( Obadiah 1:10 Obadiah 1:11 ) . The Targum is,

``and thou didst deliver the children of Israel into the hands of those that slay with the sword, in the time of their destruction:''
in the time that their iniquity had an end;
when either the measure of that was full; or when they received for it full correction and chastisement; at the consummation of that.

Ezekiel 35:5 In-Context

3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Mount Seir, and I will stretch out my hand against you and make you a desolate waste.
4 I will turn your towns into ruins and you will be desolate. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
5 “ ‘Because you harbored an ancient hostility and delivered the Israelites over to the sword at the time of their calamity, the time their punishment reached its climax,
6 therefore as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I will give you over to bloodshed and it will pursue you. Since you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you.
7 I will make Mount Seir a desolate waste and cut off from it all who come and go.

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Psalms 63:10
  • 2. Obadiah 1:13
  • 3. Psalms 137:7; S Ezekiel 21:29
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.